San Andreas on NBC


Sep 22, 2003
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1 On NBC.wmv

As I expected, and as I said before it came out, the Media/Soccer Moms of America are going to have a feild day with this's only a sign of things to come :O

It's much worse as far as violence (for the most part), plus it can be linked to things closer now in the world than Vice City could.
A video of NBC warning parents not to get this game, basicly.

But they have both sides of the argument on.

It's a pretty good watch.
Just watched it. I have a solution, ban every form of entertainment.
very interesting. can i just make one comment... that guy who was arguing againts it is a twat. :P

basically, if a perent sees this, theyre gomnna say "oh my god, out of the millions of people who bought GTA3, one of them killed someone. this game must be banned".

man i hate media.

i agree with harryz... the ONLY solution is to ban all entertainment :D
Is the lawyer the same guy who argued that John Muhammad used Halo to train in his sniper shootings?
This is ridiculous. If parents are concerned, they should know what their own kids are playing. If not, thats their damn fault. However, it is a problem if retailers are selling the game and not carding the people. Entertainment is entertainment, GTASA is a perfect example of it and it's also a very great form of entertainment especially for video games.
Its comical. That idiot says "tell that to the family's of the dead people". Yeah :rolleyes:. Complete and utter bullshit, GTA has and has always had an 18 rating on it so if the parents dont want to be as strict on games as they are with films then they should just stfu and stop complaining.

The games industry is bigger than the film industry, its obvious its going to have a bigger audience from 5 through to 70years old (i dont know, but i bet some really old people play games, i know im going to :p) and different games are made to different age groups and GTA isnt in the ****ing 5 - 15 year old age group so why do they still argue about it being played by young people? :x

They'll never win a single case about violent games, it just wont happen. Game devs are to clever to allow the moany, petty, looking-for-an-excuse-why-there-10-year-olds-head-got-blown-off in the middle of moss side while wearing a man utd t-shirt an empty hole so they are liable to be sued.

Imagine if games was like virtual reality now. They'd be well in their element now.
"How about some equal time here?"

Heh :)

Anyways, i think its the parants work to know what their kid is doing, just like he said.
As they said, GTA's main target audience is adults and basically anyone over 18. Therefore, if any trouble does occur like kids copying actions/scenes from the game or being influenced by the game to do certain things then the parents cannot turn around and try to sue Rockstar because they have done nothing wrong. Its the parents themselves that have bought the games for their kids therefore they are entirely responsible. If anything, the parents should be punished.

However this will always go on because kids use their parents' credit cards to buy games/other stuff online all the time with their permission. For example a kid could say to his mum "Mum can I buy a game for my playstation on the internet using your credit card?". Its more likely that the parent will be more worried about what site they are buying from due to credit card fraud and hackers etc., than the actual game their kids are buying. Even if they are concerned about the game that they are buying the kid could just say "Dont worry its not like im gonna go out killing people after i've played it" but then they could be influenced by it alot more than they think.

By the way in my Media Studies class, I've just been studying how violence in computer games/films etc. can affect kids. Theres been loads of tests done to prove that it does have an effect.
Tinneth said:
As they said, GTA's main target audience is adults and basically anyone over 18. Therefore, if any trouble does occur like kids copying actions/scenes from the game or being influenced by the game to do certain things then the parents cannot turn around and try to sue Rockstar because they have done nothing wrong. Its the parents themselves that have bought the games for their kids therefore they are entirely responsible. If anything, the parents should be punished.

However this will always go on because kids use their parents' credit cards to buy games/other stuff online all the time with their permission. For example a kid could say to his mum "Mum can I buy a game for my playstation on the internet using your credit card?". Its more likely that the parent will be more worried about what site they are buying from due to credit card fraud and hackers etc., than the actual game their kids are buying. Even if they are concerned about the game that they are buying the kid could just say "Dont worry its not like im gonna go out killing people after i've played it" but then they could be influenced by it alot more than they think.

By the way in my Media Studies class, I've just been studying how violence in computer games/films etc. can affect kids. Theres been loads of tests done to prove that it does have an effect.

They can have an effect, sure. But just as much of an effect as anything!

Some of the anti-video game people put games on a whole new level, when in reality they're on the same playing field as movies, sometimes not even as much of an influence.
while yes violence in games does have an effect, the only proven link was with 8-9 year olds with the analogy given in the video, about them not differentiating between reality and fiction; also consider if these 8-9 year olds were being tested with 18-cert material, it's not going to be the namby-pamby stuff, if they were out to prove a link it was going to be pretty heavy going and to an 8 year old, it's no suprise.

Like the guy said, it's entertainment in the form of release for mature adults. One good thing, if that lawyer's main line of attack is idiotic and insulting as "tell that to the family's of the dead people" and that GTA is a organised crime simulator, then we can rest a little easier knowing that this guy's first successful case against it is going to be a long time in coming. :cheers:
If I was able to learn how to be a mafioso hitman on video games alone, you think I'd still be here in college??
Hahahaha...that prick from Miami is behaving like a kid:
He's interrupting
He's acting like a bitch
...and he IS a bitch
Frank said:
Hahahaha...that prick from Miami is behaving like a kid:
He's interrupting
He's acting like a bitch
...and he IS a bitch

My thoughts exactly.

This thing with games being crimestarters is total bs in my opinion. There maybe one guy in 5 million who says that he shot somebody because of a game. The person who does this is kind of things is loose in the head.
Just like when I played Super Mario World I wanted to go run out and jump on peoples head and watch them disappear...but...sadly it didn't work :(
If I'm not mistaken the studies he is referring to were done on VERY young children that are just developing their mental capacity. I believe it was 8-10 year olds, but I'm not entirely sure. It is true that as children are developing the things they experience and view do shape their personalities. However, this development process slows down immensely with puberty, it is unlikely that playing a GTA game will have a large influence on a child over the age of 12. Another point he brought up - GTA doesn't train you how to do anything. Walking up to a car and hitting Triangle is a whole new ball game than ripping someones car door open, fighting with them to force them out, then jumping in and driving off. That just doesn't work in real life, they'd just hit the gas and a few of the witnesses would call the cops.

Now I'm not saying that 12 year olds should necessarily play GTA games. I am saying that it won't have a huge derrogatory effect on them if they do. If anything they're likely to pick up the bad language because they think its cool, but certainly not the violence.
Kids get money from who?

The Parents

Kids get the system from who?

The Parents

Kids get M-rated games from who?

The Parents

Kids play violent video games in whose household?

The Parents'

The parents are involved in everything from the money side, to supplying the power and the area to play these games. In my house, our Xbox is in our living room, opposite the kitchen. My mom spends a good 15 hours inside the house and walks by (or is within the presence of) the living room TV an average of 4 times a day. If I'm playing a game on the system, she knows about it.
When I was a lot younger, the same stuff was happening. She was aware of the games that I played.
I can honestly say that TV and movies have influenced me more during my childhood, than video games.

The reason why they aren't doing the same thing to movies and TV is because it's more popular with every age group, whereas video games are only really understood by people under 35.
im with the guy with the wild hair
it is absolutely the parents job to oversee every aspect of their children's lives
and the psychos that ran over people and 'lived the game by night' are completely isolated cases.... and most likely already messed up to begin with
enough said
Parents need to stop buying their kids M rated games, then this stupid media bullshit can stop.

God, how stupid do you have to be?

"Hmm... its called grand theft auto, its rated M... I see no reason not to buy this for my 12 year old"

What they need to do is swich from the E T M rating system to the PG PG-13 R system the mpaa uses. Parents know this one.

Everyone please note I'm in the US and dont know the rules in all those crappy foreign countries.