SAPHIRE 9600 qualms.



I recently installed an booted up HL2 expecting it to run squeaky clean on my system
AMD XP 2400+, 512MB RAM, ASUS A7V8X-MX, 30Gb HD, 80Gb HD
52x combo drive, and SAPHIRE ATI Radeon 9600 256MB

but to my suprise i opened up fraps and HL2 to check out my framerates and to my dismay i was getting 10-20 constantly even with everything on low. I know my system can run better than this. I got a little pissed and thought hey it might be the game, so i ran 3ds mark03. No luck my system scored an 800, with comparitive fps.
So i decided to open up ATI tool to check my clock and memory speed (here comes the interesting part). Where as a normal card runs at 325 clock / 400 memory, i was runing at 324 clock / 182 memory. Now i tried OC;ing it knowing that my heatsink could handle it (and by the way its B I G
i moved the speeds to 351 and 199, nothing noticible happened the game played at the same horrible rate, i then tried all of my other games, UT2k4, BFV, BF42, SC:pT, CS:S, HL2:DM, all were roylay ****ed up in the framerate area, if anyone could help i would be EXTREMEly grateful.
Download driver cleaner to get rid of remains of any drivers you had before, ATi or Nvidia, once you're done reinstall the newest 4.12 Catalyst drivers from
I did that and went back into the gaem, i went into an almost bare room and i was getting 50 fps and i was like "wooo hoo" then i walked outside near some combine and it dropped back down to 10-20 this is with all the settings on low
then i tried moving the settings up to see if i had similar results and the game just crashed. i am getting slightly annoyed with my card right about nopw. and back to my earlier question, any particular reason why my mem speed is so low?
format the computer.

thats pretty ****ed up. I have the exact same card and run 1280 x 1024, everything high (No AA or AF though), and i get 40-60 fps.
i know i habve a friend with a 9000 and he can run shit on high with no slowing at 1024x768. and i cant format my computer because i cant ind my windows disk........ this is a brain puzzler so if anyone would help i would worsjip the ground they tread on.
try restoring the cards original clock speeds (325/400 as you said) and reinstall the latest ATi catalyst drivers (dont use any modded ones)
Iceman1330 said:
I recently installed an booted up HL2 expecting it to run squeaky clean on my system
AMD XP 2400+, 512MB RAM, ASUS A7V8X-MX, 30Gb HD, 80Gb HD
52x combo drive, and SAPHIRE ATI Radeon 9600 256MB

but to my suprise i opened up fraps and HL2 to check out my framerates and to my dismay i was getting 10-20 constantly even with everything on low. I know my system can run better than this. I got a little pissed and thought hey it might be the game, so i ran 3ds mark03. No luck my system scored an 800, with comparitive fps.
So i decided to open up ATI tool to check my clock and memory speed (here comes the interesting part). Where as a normal card runs at 325 clock / 400 memory, i was runing at 324 clock / 182 memory. Now i tried OC;ing it knowing that my heatsink could handle it (and by the way its B I G
i moved the speeds to 351 and 199, nothing noticible happened the game played at the same horrible rate, i then tried all of my other games, UT2k4, BFV, BF42, SC:pT, CS:S, HL2:DM, all were roylay ****ed up in the framerate area, if anyone could help i would be EXTREMEly grateful.

you do know that it is ddr right? so 182 is its not exactly 400 but thats beter then 182 haha
wait hold on so why is mine diff from everyone elses? or are they just doing the ddr calculation before they spout off the speed
oh and is there any way to sped up my card via the memory options in ATI tool?
blanked said:
try restoring the cards original clock speeds (325/400 as you said) and reinstall the latest ATi catalyst drivers (dont use any modded ones)
of course the only way to get to origional speeds with my card is to use a softmodded driver, catch-22.
Iceman1330 said:
wait hold on so why is mine diff from everyone elses? or are they just doing the ddr calculation before they spout off the speed
oh and is there any way to sped up my card via the memory options in ATI tool?

my 9800 pro shows 378 core and 338 memory.. but it is actually running at 376 (hence double data rate)....and you can just use find max memory
Update your motherboard drivers, check that there isnt any AA or AF set in the control panel, clean out the videocard drivers, reboot and install 4.12. Make sure you have DX9c. Check sound card acceleration, click start, go to run, type in dxdiag and make sure everything is set to enabled in the "display" tab. Thats all i could think of right now
woah i ramped all the setting on high except for AF and AA in HL2 and there was no framerate change i was trying it at 1280x 1024 too. it was hovering in the 10-20 area in both except for one area where there is a nearly blank room my fps jumps up to 50-60. why would it be the same at 800x600 low and 1280x1024 high? and while playing HL2 quit and i got this message "the atidvag driver has stopped working properly" and my cmpoter went in to the lowest color mode.
turn off AGP fastwrites in BIOS.
Turn of the ATi VPU recovery thing.

Did you put the heatsink on properly? cleaned the core? used thermal paste?
I have fastwrites on, I dont know what this does but does it really affect performance with it on?