The Hulk

Jun 11, 2004
Reaction score
Maybe someone can help me - and think this is a general question versus one that is specific about my mobo.
I am getting a couple (2) WD Raptor 74G 10K SATA drives and am going to SATA RAID them - my Gigabyte mobo support SATA RAID. Obviously, it only support RAID 0 and 1, and I am going to use RAID 0 - for possible speed gain, etc.

Question is: Can I still hook up a hard drive on the EIDE Channel 0 (or 1) for a backup drive? I always have a physical separate D: drive to back any files that I want to back up (music, downloads, etc).

Yes, I could go research this, and will do so if no one knows... just hoping someone knew it off the top of their head.

Thanks, Hulk
yes you can :) try a general hardware forum it you encounter some problems. some motherboards are required to be set up in special patterns if you want a P-ATA(IDE) drive in addition to S-ATA drives.
Gunsnroses said:
Which gigabyte board?

I have one with a sata raid setup.

Model - GA-7VAXP Ultra

Good board - just flashed the BIOS to a higher Rev. level so it could recognize the AMD 2800 XP+ upgrade I got myself. Trying to do another upgrade with the drives now...

How is your SATA RAID working out for you? What is your PC, kind of drives? Notice a difference with SATA RAID?

Thanks! Hulk

EDIT - I can see you system in your sig.
I notice a huge difference with sata raid, over my previous ide 7200s.

I use 2 80gig WD 7200s 8mb buffer.
I load BF maps in 10-20 seconds, compared to 30-40 before upgrade.

Not to mention windows starts blazin.

Very cool - I hope my load times, let alone everything else Windows based, will be a blazin. I wrote Gigabyte asking about the EIDE drive (no offense [Matt]) as the second virtual drive (and physical 3rd), and will post what I find out here on this post, for everyone to know. Everything that I've heard so far, it sounds like a "yes", but have also heard it depends on the motherboard. Also sounds like a week 'till CS:S (the beta rocks, but only one map, and one model character for each side) and a month until HL2 hits the shelves - BTW silver package through Steam!

Thanks guys.
You can hook up a HDD.

My Mobo, has 4 satas(2 raid)
and 4 IDE(2 raid)

I have 6 drives in right now, no problem at all.
Yes, that's what Gigabyte said:
In reply to the question I sent them, which is basically what I put at the top of this thread:


As long as you are booting from the SATA drive and no other drives connected it should be able to default the IDE drives as D:
If the SATA drives are setup as RAID 0 it will only be one drive, any other drive on the ide controller will make it the D: and E: Under win2000 or XP you should be able to change the drive letter so it shouldn't be an issue.

Thank you

Didn't know you had that many drives Guns - you must either be a music / movie buff or a serious gamer!

Thanks for all your help.

Well basicly, i threw in all my old drives.

Running at a total of about half a terabyte now.

Plan to get a terabyte raid set up by next summer.

And yes i got mad movies/games/tv/music :D