Satan or God?

Satan or god?

  • Satan!

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • god.. /sigh

    Votes: 22 75.9%

  • Total voters
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May 24, 2003
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Which one do you like better if they really did exist?
Personally i don't really like the idea of laying in clouds starring at my loved ones for eternity listenning to annoying harps.
i choose satan. even though im atheist. /cheer satan
Im an atheist, so I don't believe in either. But I think I would choose eternal happiness over a million lifetimes of torture.
lol if you look outside the box of good and evil you'll see this.
wow if i'm good blah blah blah i be happy forever...
but if i screw up. i will be tortured for eternity
pretty harsh. If god is supposed to be "neutral" then why did he split the water so moses could get by and then when the egyptians were crossing, clossing it back. killing hundreds of them!, wow god is a serial killer o_O. maybe he should go to hell while i watch big screen tv in heaven lol. plus the irony "let my people go!" says moses
hundreds of years later "your people were tortured and murdered by the millions moses" says hitler
Eternal pain and suffering would suck.

Liek, pitchf0rk in yu0r ass 24/7, sat4n be all like "0WNZED N00B!!!111"
doesn't anybody like satan?
who's with me, what do you have to lose, except your soul!
(draws pentagram in forehead)
Yes, being tortured in the fiery chasms of hell for eternity wouldn't be as fun as sitting in clouds all day.

"cloud goes up, cloud goes down"
who says you are tortured?
don't say the bible. i never liked commic books that much to begin with.
i bet in hell you have parties all day and attack people w00t i personally would just do anything i want. i'd go murder the already dead and if i die i would rise again only to repeat it for my self amusement :D then i would invade heaven and burn it down with my army
I don't know why, but I just feel obligated to be working for the good, so I'd say God I guess...being the soldier of light...
Entr0py, you have the best avatar in existance :thumbs:

Anyhow, ValVed, have fun in hell.. rest assured, you won't be partying :|
And the evil that was once vanquished shall rise anew

Wrapped in the guise of man shall he walk amoungst the innocent and terror shall consume they and dwell upon the earth

Behold, the war amoungst the heavens shall not be contained and the sons of man shall be engulfed in the flood of conflict

And all hope shall be lost unto them

And he shall make war upon the heavens and the heavens shall gird themselves as for battle

The righteous shall fall upon the wickid and lay siege to the very gates of hell

And he shall take piece from mankind and loose great destruction upon the world

The skies shall rain fire and the seas shell become as blood!
I'm not athiest, I'm anti-religious :) The problems that so frequently come with it annoy me a lot. hey, these guys are heathens, lets go on some crusades, or explode ourselves in a crowded cafe or something!

yeah... bah.
i voted for god, although my beliefs are a little different than what all of you have been talking about... i believe in god but i don't believe in hell. HOWEVER just for argument's sake... if i believed in christianity and that kind of a god, i'd have voted for satan. okay i'm not checking this thread again because i don't want any flame wars going on because of something i say... so don't bother saying it, i'm not coming back :)

edit: like cybersh33p i'm anti-religious.
the buddha said he didn't want to be the extreme of goodness. he also said he didn't want to be the extreme of evil. he said both were equally unhealthy. instead he advises to choose the middle way. so in this case, it's either both, or neither.
God, but i am not an extremely godly person, but i do good up onto others.
Hmm well the earth is good and bad , heaven is good, hell is bad. Most people are not pure good or pure bad therefore. If we are saying that these exist you could say that your "badness" (to find better words :() goes to hell and your "goodness" goes to heaven. Or something like that, am i on the right track?

Supposivly Rock music is the music of the devil or something like that, therefore if you go to hell you listen to rock all day :thumbs: im there! Me votes hell
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