Saturos' game performance bootings tips on Services.


Jul 25, 2007
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If you guys are gaming at all these days, some of you might not know that many of Windows Services are useless and are only there for piece of mind. I will update this later once I find the site I went too giving thorough explainations covering all of Microsoft's default Services and automatic startup settings for the newbs who aren't in the know. So stay tuned, unless your willing to do the research yourselves. Anyways, here is a link describing how to make a batch file stopping all Services for when you are ready to game. Creating Service batch files This way, you can disable all resource hogging Services and processes with a single line just before your ready to game. ;) You can also make another batch file to restart all Services for when you want to go back online, or just rebooting will restart all online necessary processes and sevices.
EDIT > Nevermind I've got the Service explanation link right here. (I really need to organize my bookmarks :eek: ) Read this first before attempting to create a game performance boosting batchfile. :thumbs:

EDIT > Could one of you moderators fix that title plz? It's supposed to be "boosting". Ugh. I wish Munro would add the ability for thread starters to edit titles, :p and WTF?! my post count is at 666?! :O
I'm going to have to come back to this tomorrow and have a look see. :)

I typically keep my computer running in a minimalist approach, including services... but not microsoft services actually, because I am unsure what to do about many of them.