Save net neutrality and get laid

Gray Fox

Aug 22, 2004
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3. General Requirements and Rules of Conduct
Services will only be provided to those who meet the following requirements:

* applicants must be 18yrs old or above
* condom must be used, except if the applicant prefers to release his semen upon Tania's body without any oral or vaginal contact
* Anal sex is negotiable, although Tania will cease the performance immediately if any form of 'surprise buttsex' occurs
* multiple participants are not allowed, but applicants are entitled to have an audience observe the performance
* if anywhere along the process, it becomes clear that the applicant is not a virgin, Tania reserves the right to terminate all activity
* applicant must be able to provide sufficient evidence that clearly shows he has been defending net neutrality (eg. a print-out of a forum post, a link to a vlog)
* applicant agrees that in the event of the applicant infringing upon Terms of Service during the process of the act, Tania is not responsible for any genital injury that the applicant may suffer
* Tania may deny service for hygiene reasons
Maybe she should've shaved her armpits before taking her clothes off.
Isn't she that belgian chick who ran an election campaign promising 40,000 blowjobs or something?
id hate to be the last person she bangs

It's amazing what Virgin is trying to do though...they realize they are losing a vast portion of their customers to the internet so they have the audacity to try and tell us what we can and can't look at. When I say "us" I mean you UK'ers
SluttyMcSlutterson said:
The reason why only virgins can apply is because I don’t want to make this promise to such a large amount of people that I’ll have to turn some down.
This is the internet, I still think she's going to have to turn some down.

I'm a virgin, and I'm not even going to consider this, and anyone who does should sort out their priorities.
I'm a virgin, and I'm not even going to consider this, and anyone who does should sort out their priorities.

if someone's priority is to have sex then Id say they are in good shape
applicant agrees that in the event of the applicant infringing upon Terms of Service during the process of the act, Tania is not responsible for any genital injury that the applicant may suffer

that dont sound good

but yeah that thing whit virgin is bad,sure all the other companies are looking for something like that
if it happens sure people will protest since the internet have become something very revelant
I'm a virgin, and I'm not even going to consider this, and anyone who does should sort out their priorities.

Yeah I'm not even going to bother.

I'd rather not take my pathetic-ness to the next level.
How would she establish if someone is a virgin or not?

I reckon someone from should enter and invite EVERYONE to come and watch.
Probably, she is a whore after all. :laugh:
She's also the girlfriend of some WoW celebrity who acts like a retard in videos.

That bunch of people act like worst, most pretentious art students sometimes. Their retarded stuff is meant to be ironic or something
if someone's priority is to have sex then Id say they are in good shape
Agreed, procreation is possibly the best thing you can do for mankind, but going about it in that way (prostitution, basically) is bad for both parties.
Also if you can only get laid by being nice on the internets, then you SERIOUSLY need to get out more.
Never going to happen. She is full of shit.
Stop dreaming!

/slaps pesh

Shes like ZombieTurtle, always promising sex, but then something always comes up at the last second when its finally time.
stop thinking with your dicks and focus on the issue. if net neutrality goes i'm going to live in the bush. when that vanishes...well the terrorist are hiring, right?
She still owes me a BJ :|

I MEAN.......................
Wow she can't possibly do this it will never happen

*signs up* what?
I've been campaigning for net neutrality before free sex was offered. I've been signing petitions and emailing my congressmen and spreading the word on it, and I haven't even gotten so much as a grope.

This is bullshit.
I read that she was going to suicide,so maybe she want to enjoy a lot before she do it?:naughty:
Am I honestly the only one here who is being honest by saying - I would wreck that?
lawl, as if she was really going from Belgium to around the world just to have sex with guys because they defended net neutrality
Am I honestly the only one here who is being honest by saying - I would wreck that?
Given that she's been whoring herself publicly, then I can honestly say I would not 'wreck' that. Especially not as my first lay. Excuse me for being old fashioned but I'd prefer it to mean something.
I wonder if I could get her to chew on my flaccid penis.
Given that she's been whoring herself publicly, then I can honestly say I would not 'wreck' that. Especially not as my first lay. Excuse me for being old fashioned but I'd prefer it to mean something.

I wouldnt even care if it meant nothing, I just dont want a chick who banged a few thousand other people in the couple weeks before I did her.
What better way to say "the net is worth defending" than to whore yourself out for sex on it? :|

Seriously, she couldn't have just promised nude pics if so many people signed a petition or something? This is kind of ****ing stupid.

Wonder if she's throwing in a free epic mount...