Save Our Mag!


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
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Yes, that's right. You may remember Badger and a team of elite journalists (ahem) set out bring you a magazine, packed with reviews and er....stuff. Anyway, Badger has too much to do. Will our work go unpublished? NO! There is a last hope! And only you, the intelligent, brilliant and may I say incedibly handsome forumite, can save the magazine. We need one person who has knowledge of html and too much time on their hands to put all our work together and bring it to the masses. For love, for honor, for me (but not for money, unfortunately) save our mag!
there must be someone out there (said the joker to the thief) sorry couldn't resist. But c'mon guys, the fact that I know sh*t about html doesn't mean that noone else does here?
I know HTML and have way too much time on my hands..
i know the HTML-language but right now im in 1 grade of high school and it's pretty much to do over there :s... Sorry... But i'll bet that there are plenty of other guys who knows about the HTML cuz it's not rather tough to learn...
Originally posted by Sulkdodds
Yes, that's right. You may remember Badger and a team of elite journalists (ahem)

I'm one of those journalists!!! :D:afro:

but seriously, please can someone take it up and publish it, it's a great idea and in need of being done :)
I'll do it, if you guys want.. I can show some of my work (although I've only done one website recently), also I dunno exactly what type of stuff I'd be doing for the mag
Originally posted by mchammer75040
I can strip for you.....

ok, we need a HTML coder... not entertainment...
/me slips dollar bill into thong and tells mchammer75040 to meet me at my place :p

and i want my works of art published... not sitting in mrBadgers e-mail box! sum1 help us!
Guess my posts are invisible? :)
Come on people, there must be someone who wants to help out!
*looks through the invisible Shuzer
I have frontpage and dreamweaver..... but not much time. I'd love to write a review or article for the mag, though - is there (or was there) any advertising for that? or is it a closed project? I think your problem stems from the fact that so few people know about the mag.
Dreamweaver and Frontpage are for wusses, hand coding in notepad all the way :)
Originally posted by Shuzer
Dreamweaver and Frontpage are for wusses, hand coding in notepad all the way :)

*nodds* yup, the mag is doomed in Shuzer's hands

/me hides
Originally posted by Shuzer
Dreamweaver and Frontpage are for wusses, hand coding in notepad all the way :)

yep, notepad is great, lol. i started teaching myself basic html coding (frames, links, images, blah blah) except i'm really uncreative so the first one i made was really lame, and now i'm so bored that i'm working on one with... chemistry equations, and i keep adding on as i go through the textbook.... ugh, i've arrived at a new level of boredom
lol, I taught myself HTML when I was 12.. made a really good first website (well, my first one sucked, but my second one was good), then my host sucked and deleted all my media.. so I gave up on it :(
oh, wow. when i was 12 i probably would've been like "html, what's that?" basically all i knew how to do on the computer back then was play games and use word and powerpoint and excel... and i haven't advanced much further since then... actually i've totally forgotten how to use excel, lol, i can't even make a graph.
Okay Shuzer, basically you'd have to create a good-looking, richly informative magazine in a web page, with screenshots and stuff leaving room for the text. Preferably there would be a contents page with an indrotuction to that month's mag and all the staff's 'this months' and favourite games for the month. Only problem is that we need somewhere to put it all, so get in here mods to discuss this. Please.
The reason no-one heard of it is becuase we deleted the thread that it was in after a while, to make way for a full release soon... but I just don't have the time...

We do have two other staff members interested, but we are waiting on getting the .psds of the site itself... but the person who made them doesn't work here anymore... so, hang on guys...
mag? what mag?

*checks his list of evil deeds*

yep, the mag hasn't been done yet, i wonder why that is...
What would be required? I can do HTML and a bit of JavaScript.

I've got about four months of nothingness ahead of me. At least, until I decide to get a job. If I decide to get a job.
I geuss we better all just wait until we get more info from Badger.
/me stakes out Badger's house from a parked blue van with blacked out windows, while smoking cigarettes and eating donuts.
Ok, Chris_D (and possibly Farrowlesparrow) have a test version of the magazine running, so sorry people (who applied) but they will be running it, badger them now :)