Say something nice about the person above you!

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Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
You gets a 9/10 for taking time out of your busy life to talk to me on AIM, even though most of the time I forget who you are! I appreciate the thought!

These threads are stupid, it should be more like a 'say something nice about the person above you' not these stupid ratings. These stupid overrated ratings.

Ok, go.
You're stupid.

I can't find anything nice, so **** OFF GET OFF THE ****.
/In before lock

/also first post in future locked thread.

^sh** Too slow. :P
Willie likes to rape. I would like to rape willie... Or be raped.

...Okay, I'll go now.
I think you misinterpreted me. These threads are stupid. But what would have made a stupid thread slightly less stupid is what I suggested. But these threads are still just... going to get locked in the morning by Sulk.

Dog-- is a cool member who I like spamming around the forums with, though for some reason he haets me for liking anime D:

Edit: wtf a zillion posts while I'm typing
I think I sense something in the air...

Veggie is pretty cool. He actually talks to me on AIM, and I appreciate him doing so.
I like Dog--, but he probably loathes me now after I said I didn't like Rush.

Music fanboys are dangerous. :P


The only 2 cool things to come out of Japan are Ninjas and Robots.


Hey guys, who would win, a ninja or a robot?

How long before robots take over the world?

Which Terminator was the best one?

Why did they elect Arnold Swarzenegger as governor?

How much you thing Arnie can bench?

Why are most benches made of wood?

Why do they call erections 'wood'

Anyone want to pm me some porn?
Tibbs is actually kinda cool when he's not getting in the way of *do something naughty to the person who posted before you* threads. :)

Jesus, you guys decide to post while I'm posting... bastards...

QUICK! Make threads out of Dog--'s scatterbrained wonderings!

Van Halen looks like he's a good cook.
Tibbs is actually kinda cool when he's not getting in the way of *do something naughty to the person who posted before you* threads. :)

Jesus, you guys decide to post while I'm posting... bastards...

I like pizza rolls. I want to eat your avatar.
We should all post at EXACTLY the same time and see who wins. By getting the top post in the same timeframe (like all posts made at x:30, y'know?)
Those are so not pizza rolls.

edit: Holy shit dog that actually sounds like a good idea.
I love you, <insert above poster's name here>.
I don't like many dragons since I made the mistake of watching Dragon Wars.

And I remember coming to a server on HL2:DM and people were complaining about some wierdo named Saturos. Any ideas?

Oh, but I do like the color red.

Shamrock's avatar is awesome.

simultaneous posts will fail surely Dog--.

More like instantaneous post.

BTW, that was my instantaneous post. You guys already failed.
Well, looks like I win this time, sarutos. :D

By the way, they're bagel Bites, you silly f*cks.
Seriously. It was a RP server and some players were complaining about someone named Saturos that was there a second ago.
Ok, no more malarky from me, I'm going to bed, after someone gives me a wench, of course.

*waits for toaster-chan (I would post more female members names, but I only know of toaster-chan, so that's who gets my manliness)*

c'mon bitch, bend over.
I won that one too.

I already did tibbs, btw.

EDIT: GAH! Damnit... Lost that one.
@Toasty - As long as there is a vagina underneath, or atleast an asshole. (or some kind of hole, doesn't matter really)
Seriously. It was a RP server and some players were complaining about someone named Saturos that was there a second ago.
There are alot of f**ktards out there that have copied my screename. I'm the real deal and they all just want to be like me. The poor fools.
Baby I thought you liked it slow when I was on top of your lap?
People used to use Sgt.Tibbs all the time. I got bothered and now I want Zasmara.

To Veggie: yes.
hi. i love you. is that nice enough.
by the way, that was to veggie, not you.
damn you tibbs.
I always knew Vageta was a catcher... He always seemed like it, with that spiky hair, and asshole attitude.
Alas, my love, you do me wrong
To cast me off discourteously
For I have loved you well and long
Delighting in your company

Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight
Greensleeves was my heart of gold
And who but my lady greensleeves

Your vows you've broken, like my heart
Oh, why did you so enrapture me
Now I remain in a world apart
But my heart remains in captivity

I have been ready at your hand
To grant whatever you would crave
I have both wagered life and land
Your love and good-will for to have

If you intend thus to disdain
It does the more enrapture me
And even so, I still remain
A lover in captivity

My men were clothed all in green
And they did ever wait on thee
All this was gallant to be seen
And yet thou wouldst not love me

Thou couldst desire no earthly thing
but still thou hadst it readily
Thy music still to play and sing
And yet thou wouldst not love me

Well, I will pray to God on high
that thou my constancy mayst see
And that yet once before I die
Thou wilt vouchsafe to love me

Ah, Greensleeves, now farewell, adieu
To God I pray to prosper thee
For I am still thy lover true
Come once again and love me
yeah? Well... YER A TOASTER!

And I love toasters. :)

EDIT: DAmnit willie, no one wants to hear you sing. But damn, what a lovely voice you have.
But... your screenname is from a video game. MAYBE THE JUST ALL WANTED TO BE SATUROS THE FIRE ADEPT, HMMM?
I used this screename on other sites since GS first came out. Like THE VERY first day.

man golden sun used to be my favorite game ever
I wonder why it isn't one of your favorites anymore? :upstare:

Look, you can always just play the game and pound the shit out of Saturos as the good guys if you don't like me too, mmm-kay?
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