SC2, Jim Raynor and Zeratul revealed!


Terran stuff was added to the SC2 site a few days ago btw.
and lost some weight

well to me jim allways looked a bit fat
Holy hell Raynors old and Zeratuls...basically the same just better rendered.
Jim needs a shaved head with a slight red tint to it.

I can't watch the video Gray Fox posted, It doesn't load for some evil reason.
hadn't seen it yet
lookin' good!
lol jim's been drinkin...
for a second I thought of soul caliber 2, but thats beeeen out.
Jimmy looks like Josh Holloway with a different hair doo

Although the guy is a great actor, he looks nothing like the original

Looks freaking sweet...can't wait for this game to come out. God, we still have, what, a year?
I had a chance to play SCII at Blizzcon recently and I must say it was quite the amazing experience, everything just felt so right. They really nailed the feel of the original Star Craft. The new music is very reminiscent of the old, techno-orchestrated if you will, humming in the background as SCVs drill away at nearby minerals. The first thing I did was create a small group of marine scouts to sacrifice to find both Protoss bases.

It's so bizarre to see beautiful fluent animation in Star Craft, each marine seemed to have weight and substance - even in their bloody deaths. Soon after the scouts died, I built a small handful of SVC's and sent them to nearby minerals I had discovered. I created escort groups of 3 medics 8 marines and about 4 svcs and shipped them away, all the while cranking our marines, siege tanks, and the newly implemented Vikings.

Not know exactly how to best implement these new units I decided to simply suicide them into the Protoss base with only a handful of minutes left before I had to leave my demonstration machine. I was able to destroy 3 pylons and knock out a good portion of the Protoss defenses before being taken out by a handful of Dragoons. The interface is simple, slick and to the point, very similar to the original. With the exception of a graphics overhaul and the ability to select idle workers (woot, finally).

Perhaps the best new feature as far as UI goes is the ability to select as many units as you desire at one time, so for instance you could have a control group that consists of half your total units. This will influence competitive Starcraft heavily if they decide to leave it in. The new character portraits are beautifully animated and full of personality, taking advantage of the video technology most computer gamers have today. Just talking about it makes me want to play again.
Must be really amazing. Too bad there are people complaining about "too simple UI" like "wtf its gonna be to easy if u can select idle workers!!!!11111 and use shift to build more buildings" etc. I really trust Blizzard, and whatever they do with the game, it will be good. I don't want to be like those people that are afraid of changes and want the game exactly like it was before (To find them, just go to the official Starcraft forums on site) D:
Damn, this reminds me, I really have to finish the StarCraft campaign. I got most of the way through the Zerg part, then stopped for some reason. It amazed me just how similar Warcraft and Starcraft were - The story of Arthas is pretty much a direct translation of the journey Kerrigan goes through - only they replaced the word "Zerg" with "Undead". The races / armies even play in similar ways.

As for Jim, he never struck me as a very interesting character, although it seems as though they've really fleshed him out in SC2. The whole mercenary thing seems really cool.
Jim gets so much more interesting near the end of the game :cool:
The Zerg campaign makes me bored. I'm never going to play it again. Brood War Zerg campaign is very cool though.
SC2 looks amazing, and frankly, I like what they've done with Jimmy, aside from his voice.

And we can make groups of any size?

Awesome, no more having to micromanage my army' march because they have to group into things of twelve. Hopefully the pathfinding and AI is better so my marines have patience enough to wait for people to go up ramps rather than notice there's things in the way and try to go around.

Seriously, SC2 does look amazing. But it's these little things that always grate me.

Starcraft had characters that I grew up with for quite a while. I vividly remember all of them and considered them timeless. I care more about keeping its universe intact than I do the gameplay, and the voice acting is an integral part of that. The character's voice can affect his or her entire demeanor. It's what brings them to life. So when it's changed like this, I have to ask why. Valve managed to retain all their original voice actors for Half-Life 2 and it was all the better for it.

Everything else is grand though.
I'm pleased to learn Mensk is living up to his tyrannical tyrant of a name. Perhaps finally we'll get to see him taken down. I swear, he pissed me off no end with his back-stabbing ****wit attitude in Starcraft. If they haven't kept his voice actor...well...I'll go out and kick small children.