Scalar waves...manimpulation of the ionosphere.


Aug 6, 2004
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I watched a documentary about this and learned a few things.

IT IS SO theory.

wheres is the problem to achieve this?

take energy and put it into the ionosphere and vuoila!

the problems are:

-how to get that much energy to actually make some impact
-(answer to the first problem) make it resonate...well, you have to have enough energy to get to the self frequency of the ionosphere, so it brings us back to the first problem
-let us not even start on how could this energy by concentrated in one point

problem 1 and 2 could be easily solved in some time, but problem 3 i doubt it will have an answer anytime soon.

if you have enough energy you can blow anything away.

So basically this idea is possible but it's so unpractical that i rather stick to good old fashion nukes!

oh and BTW...i probably have forgotten other crucial problems with this "device" so feel free to point them out.

edit: self frequency and magnitude of the ionosphere
Zomg 911 conspiracy scalar waves.


you don't believe?

it's really simple (as far as i can understand)...take a bottle half full of water and agitate it continuously lets say for a will become hot.

now take earth and vibrate it's ionosphere and BOOM you got a ****ing hot summer or winter or any season!

but i'd feel sorry for your hands after vibrating the bottle for a month. :angel:
I'm searching for the "One day Kirovman and Clarky will do battle on the highest hills of the world, firing their Scalar Wave Emitters at each other." quote (by Sulkdodds I think), but I can't find it :(
I'm searching for the "One day Kirovman and Clarky will do battle on the highest hills of the world, firing their Scalar Wave Emitters at each other." quote (by Sulkdodds I think), but I can't find it :(

well that is quite possible...take a microwave oven and try to cook your opponent before he cooks you.

but i rather hit you in the head with it and consequently avoid developing cancer with the cooking method proposed.
The phenomena does exist, you can build apparatus to test it. It really just depends on what you call it. As said before, basically there standing waves, the propagation is based in relationship of resonance rather than any kind of 3 dimensional propagation through normal space.

Best way of putting it is to imagine a string on a guitar as your normal EM wave, you can measure it's wavelength and frequency, the 'scalar' potential is the string's framework i.e what is holding the string in tension. The measurements of the string are only really a measurement of the resultant forces, the framework is what 'calibrates' those forces, so just as an atom cannot exist without it's feed of virtual particles, your 'normal' observable EM wave cannot exist without that input framework i.e tension in the virtual vacuum.

There's a repeatable experiment for it. They are most easily identified simply because they completely ignore the presence of a faraday shield and will go straight through one. If it was a normal transverse EM wave it couldn't pass through the faraday shield.
Come on guys, where's the "shh" emoticon?

Haha, I love this stuff.

jverne: i know how to control the weather

clarky: yes i have built a weather control device out of a cardboard tube and words i do not understand

everyone else: rolf

Tell us more, clarky and jverne!
Only you can reveal the terrifying secrets that the scientific community can't... or won't!!?
Just proves the attitude towards the same things Tesla discovered over 100 years ago hasn't changed, I am not however assuming that the majority of people on here arn't mature :P.
No, we totally believe you clarky.

You just can't make, sell or publish your findings for some strange reason.
How odd that these technologies truly work 100% and yet you refuse to profit off of them, or at least further the progress of mankind in general.

Maybe those immature "scientists and the world at large" are manimpulating your apathy and/or competence?
With scalar waves?

Hey, have you considered hooking your weather machine onto your hovercar? It'd be just like dragonball z with the cloud thing!

Then you could use the chi energy generated by your Q-ray bracelet to magnetize your water for ionic performance boosters and throw a psi-blade hadoken at all us dumbys.
Oh please shut up, you spout off and know nothing. I bet you don't even know why Overunity systems are even discarded in the modern litrature.

It's not because they are rubbish, Maxwell's quanternion equations accounted for non symmetrical systems, but heavside symmetrised them because 'the equations were too complex to solve' back in the times they had to use the old noggin for equation solving, you know when computers weren't powerful enough.

The very atom itself is an overunity process, it's core sustaining energy derives from vacuum, it's still chugging away at every point in the universe as we speak.

You can even pick up a New Scientist or Scientific America and it'll talk about this stuff so please stop patronising me for being passionate about new energy possibilities with remarks that demonstrate your apparent incomprehension as to some quite basic and well established modern physics.
Right, then show me the Scientific American where they built an infinite-energy machine.
If they used the infinite-energy machine to build a hovercar or a weather-control machine then bonus points for you.

Seriously, the fact that you read a magazine that's basically "Science Made Simple" doesn't stop you from being loco.

If this is real, then you can build it. You even claimed right up there that you could build it.
If you can understand it, it can't possibly be that complex. So build it already.

If you aren't smart enough, then get an adult to do it for you.
After all, you have computers now so all those really complex super-powered equations should be a peice of cake for at least one mathematician in all of planet Earth.
wouldn't shaking the ionosphere take just as much energy as it would take to heat up the earth? I mean heat really is just shaking at a molecular scale. If you have enough energy to shake the atmosphere so as to heat the earth, you might as well just microwave the earth to begin with.
Is it bad that I read the thread title and just busted up laughing? :(
Haha, I love this stuff.

jverne: i know how to control the weather

clarky: yes i have built a weather control device out of a cardboard tube and words i do not understand

everyone else: rolf

Tell us more, clarky and jverne!
Only you can reveal the terrifying secrets that the scientific community can't... or won't!!?

mecha it is clearly obvious that you are in so many ways a retard!

read my post again...who said anything about weather?
i just said that in theory is quite simple using EM waves to heat up the ionosphere and cause whatever damage.
take a big ****ing antenna, lot's of energy and rock the crap out of earth!

if that is to hard to comprehend then i suggest you shut the hell up and go write one of your fancy speeches about religion and other meaningless things because it seems that is the only thing you are capable of.

wouldn't shaking the ionosphere take just as much energy as it would take to heat up the earth? I mean heat really is just shaking at a molecular scale. If you have enough energy to shake the atmosphere so as to heat the earth, you might as well just microwave the earth to begin with.

abso-****ing-lutely! yep...that is why it's so unpractical, rather use nukes.

as for Clark's harnessing the power of another dimension i have trouble yet to believe. although there are 11 dimensions it's probably far from our reach.
jverne, a friendly piece of advice to you, mon ami:

Mechagodzilla Staff
Super Moderator

jverne, a friendly piece of advice to you, mon ami:

Mechagodzilla Staff
Super Moderator


so you're suggesting i should bow down in spite of him being wrong, just because he's the moderator.

Well, I was talking about the 'retard' thing, but whatever you say. :p
It is true that experiments into heating the ionosphere are taking place (see Haarp), the main purpose of these are to try and see if it is possible to restore radio communication links in ionospheric storm conditions.

Oh and btw jverne, when I read your first post I thought this thread was about you trying to take the piss, as it went something like this:

I saw a TV show about scalar waves and all you need to do is get the ionosphere to self resonate with input energy and voila!
(without actually elaborating on the processes involved)

So I wasn't suprised to see Mecha tearing you apart.

I work in the ionosphere btw.
maybe if he wasn't being a ridiculing-arrogant, ignorant. then i wouldn't insulted him.
You need to have a look back at Clarky's threads and posts to see what Mecha means :p
It is true that experiments into heating the ionosphere are taking place (see Haarp), the main purpose of these are to try and see if it is possible to restore radio communication links in ionospheric storm conditions.

Oh and btw jverne, when I read your first post I thought this thread was about you trying to take the piss, as it went something like this:

I saw a TV show about scalar waves and all you need to do is get the ionosphere to self resonate with input energy and voila!
(without actually elaborating on the processes involved)

So I wasn't suprised to see Mecha tearing you apart.

I work in the ionosphere btw.

wasn't it obvious i was being sarcastic?!

well there actually isn't much to elaborate. you need a preposterous amount of energy transmitted to the ionosphere ti make it resonate.

i was trying to shed some light on the mysticism of EM (scalar) waves. i don't know that much to elaborate any further, but as i said it, in design it is simple. Putting it into reality is a different story.

but i gather EM scalar waves are something different that plain EM waves, that require you to think out of accepted reasoning. i'd like to see some mathematical proof of this, not just fancy words.

i am/was angry at mecha because he seemed to totally discard my post and began to make false assumptions. that is something i didn't expect from him.

edit: i'm quite interested in your work. what is that you are doing? are you a physicist?
but i gather EM scalar waves are something different that plain EM waves, that require you to think out of accepted reasoning. i'd like to see some mathematical proof of this, not just fancy words.

Yes, I too would like to see that.

As of now, I have only seen fancy words which make no sense when strung together.
Yes, I too would like to see that.

As of now, I have only seen fancy words which make no sense when strung together.

yep that angers me with such theories: put object B into object A, say the magic words and have interdimensional Godzilla ass raping protholitic waves.

hey kirvo, don't know if you saw the edit, but what exactly are you working on?
Research, development and services to do with space weather.

Mostly concerned with how the sun influences the ionosphere, and what this means for radio communications (long range radio comms depend on radio being reflected back to earth by the ionosphere).

yep that angers me with such theories: put object B into object A, say the magic words and have interdimensional Godzilla ass raping protholitic waves.

Yeah, theories depend on observable phenomena, and mathematical representation so that you can make accurate predictions on these observable phenomena.
Research, development and services to do with space weather.

Mostly concerned with how the sun influences the ionosphere, and what this means for radio communications (long range radio comms depend on radio being reflected back to earth by the ionosphere).

Yeah, theories depend on observable phenomena, and mathematical representation so that you can make accurate predictions on these observable phenomena.

nice...are LW waves still in wide use and by whom?
i remember last year i caught on my radio some radioevangelist form (i think it was somwhere around texas) the US on LW frequency (i'm from central europe). funny stuff.

yes but if a theory doen't have a mathematical explanation, you might as well call it science-fiction.
nice...are LW waves still in wide use and by whom?
i remember last year i caught on my radio some radioevangelist form (i think it was somwhere around texas) the US on LW frequency (i'm from central europe). funny stuff.

yes but if a theory doen't have a mathematical explanation, you might as well call it science-fiction.
Goverment + 1337 hax = conspiracy?

Haha, I love this stuff.

jverne: i know how to control the weather

clarky: yes i have built a weather control device out of a cardboard tube and words i do not understand

everyone else: rolf

Tell us more, clarky and jverne!
Only you can reveal the terrifying secrets that the scientific community can't... or won't!!?
Mecha, this isn't politics, you don't have to act like an ass just for the sake of it.
Sure I can, I just did.

If by being an ass you mean "not believing that clarky controls the weather and built a hovercar in his garage".
Sorry to clash with some people's sensibilities, but some ideas really are just stupid ideas.

I express the slightest doubt and the response is "well it's really really complex so I'll use big words improperly", or my favorite: "stop being mean!"

Get some standards people.
Sure I can, I just did.

If by being an ass you mean "not believing that clarky controls the weather and built a hovercar in his garage".
Sorry to clash with some people's sensibilities, but some ideas really are just stupid ideas.

I express the slightest doubt and the response is "well it's really really complex so I'll use big words improperly", or my favorite: "stop being mean!"

Get some standards people.

Speaking in GENERAL: you certaintly cannot be the judge for such ideas.

all you can do is ask for an explanation and base your opinion on it. but the question would still be if you understand that explanation.
but i'm not referring to the fancy words type proof, but mathematical proof. read the previous kirvomans post and mine.

you were just being a genuine ass there, thats all.
pleas read posts more carefully before making false, insulting assumptions.
How to solve this problem?
1. Build the Scalar wave emitter (best material is Unobtainium).
2. Charge this emitter by using Zero Point Energy Reactor.
3. Warm up ionosphere with some few H-bombs.
4. Contact FEMA and Illuminati.
5. Firing teh mah lazer!