Scanning... is currently updating!


Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Oh man I can't believe valve finally updated Scanning...! It took them long enough!

Ok in other words I seem to have a bit of a problem where steam wont tell me what the hell its updating. It just took 5 minutes to download something, the entire time telling me it was "Scanning..." and then the download finished, and it told me Steam is not currently updating any games. WTF? Is this a known issue? I'd like to know what the hell it was I just downloaded.

I'm aware of the SDK update, but I thought I had downloaded that last night. Which makes me wonder if this is new, or if this is more of the SDK update. (I guess it didn't finish last night, even though it said it did -_-)

Thanks in advance,
I have a similar problem. I restarted Steam and it updated, then it started 'scanning' for about 15-20 minutes using up my full bandwidth. Now it says 'steam is not updating any games' but it still shows heavy network activity. I turned off my PC but when I restarted it, Steam started to do exactly the same thing again... scanning, not updating games, but still downloading something.
Yeah, I had about 20 mins of "scanning" on broadband as well. Not good, as I wanted to play Counterstrike: Source and had to wait for it to finish. A whole lot of fun for 56k users as well, I'm sure.

One of the Valve team appeared at Steampowered forums and said that it was an update.

The "scanning" thing has got to stop. Either tell us what it is and ask first to download it or don't do it at all.
Just after downloading Source SDK today and the entire time it said scanning which was fustraing because i wanted to play some CS yet i didn't know what pecentage it was at. At least it only took 20-30 mins to get SDK but still it was fustrating. Strange since i haven't had this problem before.
I also had either never had "scanning" or only maybe once with CS:S beta a few months back. I'd read of other people having this, though, so I knew just to wait.