Scary as hell Sci-Fi horror mod

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Scary as hell Sci-Fi horror mod HIRING!

Here's the basic idea (I have but I don't feel like spreading it all over the internet until I've got a team and we actually start working on it.)
It's meant to be super tense, like one of those Sci-fi horror movies where a bunch of marines (or an away team or something) get stuck on some abandoned/devastated space station/ship and there's some alien on the ship. The alien sneaks around and maybe grabs and eats a couple of the humans. Well, the basic concept is like that. Nice dark space station, lots of shadows and vents and places for things to hide, a bunch of armed marines, a big alien, and one super heavy tense vibe making everyone super sketched.

The alien would have cool abilities like nightvision and some other stuff I'd rather not reveal yet. The marines would have some cool guns and devices.

From a gameplay perspective the alien should have his over-all power (attack damage, health) proportional to the number of marines it's facing. In a game where he's facing 10 marines, he should be able to kill a couple of them in a flat out fight. The alien wouldn't be able to take out the hold squad by biting their heads off, he'd have to do some sneaky stuff by nabbing them from the shadows and eating them. The squad would have to use teamwork. The teamwork strategy would be reinforced by some devices given to the players.

Well, I've given away enough of the concept. I'm looking for some people who want to make this thing with me. I'm looking for programmers, 2d artists, modellers, skinners, mappers, sound guys... everyone, e-mail me at [email protected] if you're interested. I'm also looking for someone who can run a site for the mod, I want to get a server computer but I'm a little low on cash right now. Well... if you're interested, please e-mail.
sounds like a cs server mod called predator or something.