

Aug 11, 2005
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Today was my first day at 9th grade :( people from three middle schools come to the 9th grade campus, so I only recognize about a third of them. Damn algebra class... however, one good thing about these "A days and B day class switches" is that I don't have it every other day. When are you guys starting school, or when did you?

Edit: Ah crap, I accidently put this in the wrong forum. Oh well.
Shut up woman. I was one of ~15 people from my middle school to go to my current high school. The freshman class was over 600 people... so I knew way less than a third. Hehe.

Anyway, I start school next thursday, I'll be in 11th grade.
Ennui said:
Shut up woman. I was one of ~15 people from my middle school to go to my current high school. The freshman class was over 600 people... so I knew way less than a third. Hehe.

Anyway, I start school next thursday, I'll be in 11th grade.

Eh, thought I'd make a new post for this.

Wow, one of 15 (noted, about). Yes, waaay less than a third. Let me know how 11th grade goes.
when I went to high school I knew absolutely noone, then i basically became king of the hostel in my 5th year. So don't even worry about it
I'm one of the 3 people from my old private (albeit so shitty it should have been public) school to go to my highschool.

Infact, i've never known anybody from 4 grade up for more than 2 years. Every 2 years since then it's been a switch to a new school, with people i've never seen in my entire life.

So shoosh!
been in since school august 4, sucks ass...and i have a class called "world history", why do i need to take that when i can learn about the world from here :D
Kamikazie said:
been in since school august 4, sucks ass...and i have a class called "world history", why do i need to take that when i can learn about the world from here :D


And I'm not worried or complaining about the fact that I don't know many people. I have little case of stage fright, so I mainly get queesy with presentations or coming up to the board to work out equations or stuff like that. It's no big deal at all, but it's just me.
I'm going into 11th, school gets better as you go since most of the assholes get switched over to this ghetto school downtown for kids with shitty grades, so I know most of the people in my classes, or I hope, have to wait for Sept. 6th to find out.
Two more days of summer... I start on Thursday.
Ennui said:
Two more days of summer... I start on Thursday.

Same here.

Although if you consider the 3 hour "orientation" I have on Wednesday, then I only have 2 days left :(
Yeah well I moved from Scotland into a school where everyone had known eachother for a year and I knew no-one! So there! :p
I think I'll go blow my school up. :(
i hate the fact that they play back to school commercials when school gets out...makes me want to blow up staples
Sulkdodds said:
Yeah well I moved from Scotland into a school where everyone had known eachother for a year and I knew no-one! So there! :p

I went from a school where i'd known everybody for all my life, to a school where everybody knew everyone but me for all their life.

EDIT: I would like to inform everybody, that I am now 1337, and plan to savor the moment. Due to this savorage of momentum, my current only form of communication is via Edits. Furthermore, this communication via Edits will continue till I find a post that is worth 20 bullions for a reply.

EDIT: On the blowing up of staples, you'd make a pasty form of gunpowder (corn syrup anybody?) and then dip staples into it. Add fire and enjoy!
School starts on the 31st for me. I can't wait to see my old pals that I haven't seen in 2 months! Can't wait for 10th grade!
I wish I shared your enthusiasm. It's not like I've entered some sort of depression, but I'm not exactly euphoric about it either.
I got kicked out of my school, I uhhhhh skipped too much and uhhhh slept too much. So I am in homeschooling now...I pick when I want to do work, which is basically, whenever I have a heartattack, should be done around december though, hopefully. Then time to buy a new car for myself. Well a 95-99 Eclipse/Talon GS-T,GSX/TSi, TSi AWD.
Darkknighttt said:
ah i remember the first day of high school. gr.9. god.........

Didn't like it too much, eh? My schools alright. Just alright... except for my algebra class. :x
Sulkdodds said:
How the hell do you do that?

I think he means the store Staples, not staples in a stapler.

Hey Ennui, how goes 11th grade? Oh by the way, I saw your name in a short story I had to read in English; it means boredom, right?
Yeah, but it kind of has existential connotations.