Scientists find human "missing link"


May 5, 2004
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Scientists have unveiled a 47-million-year-old fossilised skeleton of a monkey hailed as the missing link in human evolution.

The search for a direct connection between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom has taken 200 years - but it was presented to the world today at a special news conference in New York.

The discovery of the 95%-complete 'lemur monkey' - dubbed Ida - is described by experts as the "eighth wonder of the world".

They say its impact on the world of palaeontology will be "somewhat like an asteroid falling down to Earth".

Researchers say proof of this transitional species finally confirms Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, and the then radical, outlandish ideas he came up with during his time aboard the Beagle.

someone call the creationists, their day is done. hopefully now they'll crawl back under the rock they came from
Awesome, though it's hardly the linchpin of evidence for evolution.
YES IT IS!!! **** man what the hell are you doing? I want them to dispair to the point that they throw themselves off the nearest bridge. STOP TELLING THEM IT'S NOT EVIDENCE OF EVIL-UTION
Since when was there a missing link? And is this bloke the descendants of all primates? Because we split with the other apes a lot more recent than 45 million years ago.
Very exciting news, wow. It was only a matter of time before this was found, I mean it was obvious it was out there somewhere.

We shouldn't need this to confirm Darwin's theory, it couldn't be more obvious and perfectly clear. In fact its backed up with evidence in every aspect. I really hope things like this catalyse the evolution of thought we require to move past archaic placeholder answers, such as creationism, and move forward to explore our full capabilities.
I really hope things like this catalyse the evolution of thought we require to move past archaic placeholder answers, such as creationism, and move forward to explore our full capabilities.

I really really do hope so but they'll just ignore this like they ignore all other evidence that's contrary to their beliefs; blind faith is blind

"God put that there to test our faith."
YES IT IS!!! **** man what the hell are you doing? I want them to dispair to the point that they throw themselves off the nearest bridge. STOP TELLING THEM IT'S NOT EVIDENCE OF EVIL-UTION

Yeah it's more evidence for evolution, but even if it had never be found the theory would still be as sound.
I thought the missing link was george dubya, lolololpoliticalhumor
Holy shit.
Didn't think this would actually be discovered in our time.
Its the missing linking between what and what exactly?

Holy shit.
Didn't think this would actually be discovered in our time.

This :O

I can't wait to hear the creationist response :)
The preserved quality of that thing almost looks too good to be true... a full skeleton, its soft bits burnt into the rock around it... basically, what I'm getting at is that this could be the Turin Shroud of Atheism, and it should be properly carbon-dated before Richard Dawkins orders its restoration.

Or destroyed before God punishes us for failing one of his great tests. REPENT SINNERS.
I can't wait to hear the creationist response :)
Handson Eyres said:
I just hope its conclusive and not a bunch of scientists jumping on the bandwagon like with Global Warming and crap like that. But yes I am dad's biggest complaint about evolution is that there weren't many transitional species and that there were many gaps in the theory.
I just hope its conclusive and not a bunch of scientists jumping on the bandwagon like with Global Warming and crap like that. But yes I am dad's biggest complaint about evolution is that there weren't many transitional species and that there were many gaps in the theory.


for reals
Yea global warming, Santa, the holocaust, landing on the moon, evolution...all fake. Me and you warped, to the end!
Anyone who doesn't believe in evolution by this point is a total ****ing moron and isn't worth the effort required to attempt to convince them to face reality.

That having been said, this is an awesome discovery, given how relatively sparse the physical history of our species is, and how much sparser the transitional areas are.

Its the missing linking between what and what exactly?

It appears to be a common ancestor from which the two primary paths of primates diverged - one line eventually leading to humans, monkeys, and chimpanzees, the other leading to lemurs and other smaller primates.
It appears to be a common ancestor from which the two primary paths of primates diverged - one line eventually leading to humans, monkeys, and chimpanzees, the other leading to lemurs and other smaller primates.
But the article says: "The search for a direct connection between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom has taken 200 years - but it was presented to the world today at a special news conference in New York."

Which would mean they were talking about the connection between humans and chimpanzees, but our common ancestor is, as I said in the previous post, a lot younger than 40 million years.

Not really sure what the article is talking about, it's very unclear exactly what they've found.
I just watched this on the news and I noticed they were really reluctant to use the phrase missing link ;)
Yea global warming, Santa, the holocaust, landing on the moon, evolution...all fake. Me and you warped, to the end!

global warming has to do with more temperature readings than ever before, the Sun getting hotter (check the temps of all other planets) changes in the solar winds, cosmic radiation, etc. in fact the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere are seeing completely different weather patterns....but guess what?? 100 years ago the ice caps were considered to be melting too! I'll agree this planet is becoming Toxic, but the Sun has more to do with temperature fluctuations than we do. we have more electronics on today than ever before, and those throw a lot of heat too. turn them off and its not so hot

i like a few years ago the news was reporting more shark attacks off of Florida when in reality there were decreases in shark attacks...the only reason why it seemed like more because there were cameras ready at the beach. and right now i'm seeing one of the coolest springs i've seen in a long time. back on topic, evolution is still a theory. its going to take hundreds of years to understand this puzzle we call life
someone call the creationists, their day is done.

Sadly this will never happen. They are the most stubborn people on the planet. I used to believe in creationism, but once I actually started to read real science books, I put that belief to rest. Whether they want to believe it or not, Genesis is a symbolic story of creation.
But the article says: "The search for a direct connection between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom has taken 200 years - but it was presented to the world today at a special news conference in New York."

Which would mean they were talking about the connection between humans and chimpanzees, but our common ancestor is, as I said in the previous post, a lot younger than 40 million years.

Not really sure what the article is talking about, it's very unclear exactly what they've found.

It's not the fabled "Missing Link", it's a missing link, a transitional species that until now we had only been able to postulate the existence of without any physical evidence. Essentially it just filled a big gap in the fossil record, it doesn't really mean anything groundbreaking beyond that.

That quote is talking about the overall search which includes a lot more than just this find - the connection between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom involves h. erectus, h. habilis, the australopithecines and all those other fun things from the past 1-6 million years as well as this find and anything else.
There is a lot of confusion in this thread, partly caused by the hoompapa surrounding the presentation of the fossil and the SKY NEWS LINK Stern provided. The creature found isn't the missing link, but rather a possible link between us and our ancient past. To get a better concept of the story read what the BBC has to say about it. It is really rather sad to see evolutionists using hollow marketing phrases to get their point across.
So Jesus went back in time and buried another fake bone, so what?
I am excited, to say the least. I want to see what Creationists say to THIS bitch.
I can FINALLY end my debate with my closet-creationist friend ("THERE'S NO EVIDENCE FOR EIITHERR BUT THERE IS A GOD")
From further articles I've read, they too aren't calling this the missing link. It is extremely evident this fossil shows clear features in the evolution of anthropoids toward modern human beings, but is still a distant relative to plug another of the gaps. In fact, it is seen more as a cousin or aunt (off branch) rather than a direct descendent.

I'm not phased by that though, because every fossil that is found, every day which goes by...evolution by natural selection is cemented further into the accepted answer, the correct answer. There isn't even a fight, nature keeps confirming it for us :)
I wish people would stop saying 'missing link'.

It perpetuates the 'chain theory' of evolution, i.e. the one where there's only one humanoid species at a time.
And there was a great celebration for days until they realised the fossil was actually Sylvester Stallone. Again.
Archaeologists manufactured that "fossil" and put it there, just like NASA faked the moon landing photos.