Scientists may now be able to clone a Neanderthal


Jul 5, 2003
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From Discover magazine:
Evolutionary anthropologists from Germany's Max Planck Institue have extracted nuclear DNA from the bones of a Neanderthal, brining the possibility of cloning our early cousins one step closer to reality

That's pretty cool, if they could do it! However I dont think they will because of the impending ethical controversy. Is it ethical to bring back a long-dead species (jurassic-park-esque) just to study it?
Nuclear DNA? I don't like the sound of that. Why can't they play it safe and bring back the dinosaurs?
the ethics of it would be incredibly messy
is it human - or how human is it?
should our rights and laws apply to it
should it be allowed live freely considering involuntary captivity of humans is a crime?
should it be allowed breed?
Lets breed them into slavery.

I bet they'll be exactly like us. Heh.
Nuclear DNA? I don't like the sound of that. Why can't they play it safe and bring back the dinosaurs?

It's just DNA from the nucleus of a cell (hence nuclear), rather than from eleswhere e.g. mitochondria
should it be allowed breed?

There's only one way to find out.

*breeds with DNA*

Seriously though, it would be strange. Likely this thing is going to be someone's great^n-grandfather and all of a sudden he's back?

And just think of how interesting be as a study of intelligence. Will it be able to learn the same as a modern human, or have our brains changed fundamentally? Ooh, do it, do it!
The fundies are going to have a field day with this one.
Wasn't there a movie about a Neanderthal that went to highschool and had all sorts of zany adventures
I'd say no.

It would just change everything way to dramatically, as a civilisation I do not think we are culturally there yet.
I say go for it. The learning abilities of such as creature would be interesting to see. If they're smart enough (capable of rudimentary speech, problem-solving, and emotion) it could put us on dodgy ethical ground however.
Clone it then make it fight me in a ring.

I wonder which species is physically better at fighting.
Wasn't it a myth they were dumb and sluggish? I believe they were just as intelligent as homo sapiens but died out because they were more adapted to a cold climate and couldn't adjust to the cold areas warming up at the end of the ice age.

So for ethics, I'd say it's the same question if it's alright to clone a normal human.
Neandethal > short recoil



Short Recoil looks pregnant in that pic.

It must be that he's so much evolved over the rest of us his body has managed to sex itself.
To clone it, you'd need a female to put it into and give birth to it. It wont be done.
I`d vote shortie, merely because of the higher intelligence and knowledge of fighting techniques.

The stupid spear weilding boy is helpess if there are no wimmens to fight over!
Short Recoil looks pregnant in that pic.

It must be that he's so much evolved over the rest of us his body has managed to sex itself.

Hell, I sex myself all the time.

To clone it, you'd need a female to put it into and give birth to it. It wont be done.
It could be put in a human woman, and have a neaderthal/human hybrid. Think "the fly".
Hell, I sex myself all the time.

It could be put in a human woman, and have a neaderthal/human hybrid. Think "the fly".

I think what he's getting at are the ethical implications of it. The human females womb would be suitable for a Neanderthal fetus I would think but who'd want to carry a Neanderthal to term?
I think what he's getting at are the ethical implications of it. The human females womb would be suitable for a Neanderthal fetus I would think but who'd want to carry a Neanderthal to term?

A crazy female scientist, of course.
To clone it, you'd need a female to put it into and give birth to it. It wont be done.

humans and neanderthals were supposedly able to breed together, but their babies were likely hybrid and unable to reproduce themselves.

Having that in mind, it is probably possible to clone a neanderthal if you put it inside a human egg and have it carried by a human woman.

The problem I see with it is that this DNA is several hundred thousand years old, and it probably has accumulated horrible mutations over the years. Adding old DNA with cloning is probably not going to result in a living being.
The problem I see with it is that this DNA is several hundred thousand years old, and it probably has accumulated horrible mutations over the years. Adding old DNA with cloning is probably not going to result in a living being.

Or will it? My quote from the famous last words thread.

"Ready to clone this Neanderthal?"
Bah.. Who cares, we only live once, I say clone the shit out of that Neanderthal!
When humans become extinct, we'll all be in the after-life saying "wtf, I wish we cloned more stuff... like that Neanderthal.."..
I think what he's getting at are the ethical implications of it. The human females womb would be suitable for a Neanderthal fetus I would think but who'd want to carry a Neanderthal to term?

Arnold Schwarzenegger of course.
No, no way.
What right have we got to clone a sentient being and then keep it in captivity, studying it? None.
Having that in mind, it is probably possible to clone a neanderthal if you put it inside a human egg and have it carried by a human woman.

Dogs interbreed but I don't like the idea of Homo sapien and Homo neanderthalensis interbreed. So many problem could occur.
Dogs interbreed but I don't like the idea of Homo sapien and Homo neanderthalensis interbreed. So many problem could occur.

Humans interbreed all the time, just as dogs do.. Difference species of human (White, Black, ect..) breed, and different dogs breed.

Your arguement is like if a modern dog was mating with an ancient wolf...