Scientists very close to curing cancer


Jul 5, 2003
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After reading several articles in scientific journals and a few news reports in my local paper, I have come to the conclusions that scientists are coming very close to curing all forms of cancer.

Basically, it all started with a single experiment last year when a group of scientists was testing the lethalitiy of a new form of extremely potent cancer. They injected the cancer cells into scores of mice, and then tracked its progress through their internal organs. over 90% of the mice died, yet there was a tiny number of mice who showed no symptoms, even when maximum dosages of cancer were injected into them. They injected different types of cancer into these immune mice and discovered they were completley immune to almost all forms of cancer.

They examined every aspect of these mice and discovered that their white blood cells were mutants which had antibodies against cancer. Essentially, the blood cells of these mice automatically attacked and killed cancer cells as soon as they formed, giving the mice a near 100 percent remission rate.

More importantly, when they injected the blood of these special mice into the other mice dying of cancer, the non-immune mice automatically went into remission and were cured.

The scientists then called in a number of human subjects and tested the DNA in their white blood cells and discovered that about 10 percent had the exact same immunity as the mice.

Theoretically, one could donate the blood of these individuals to cancer patients, and it should cure them. However, human white blood cells are very picky, and will often attack and kill patients with slightly different proteins.

The scientists abandoned the project because of difficulties with the white blood cells attacking cancer patient's healthy cells.

Fast forward to a few months ago. Another group of scientists took the findings of this earlier group, and took it a step further. They conjectured that if they automatically inserted the immunity genes into cancer-infected patient's blood cells using gene therapy, their cells would become immune.

The first human trial of gene therapy induced cancer immunity occured just recently. Fifteen cancer-infected subjects had a widescale alteration of a number of their white blood cells to make them immune to cancer. Two of the subjects were cured and went into remission, yet the others experienced no success. None of the placebo group went into remission.

They are now tweaking their formula and soon should have an alteration powerful enough to cure the other 13 patients. If they succeed, it will mean we are extremely close to a cure for cancer.

sources: Scientific American, Science and the Star-Telegram
Now I don't have to worry about lung cancer or something! Boo-ya, bitchs!
Ah, excellent!

*lights up cig and goes outside without sunscreen*
We are going to have a cure for everything in the future. Then we can all live sick and discusting lives with no fear because whatever happens, we can be cured.

How are humans supposed to evolve and adapt if we keep freaking changing everything?
Bionic arms duh. Once there is a cure for everything... we will look for ways to upgrade ourselves.
Cool stuff, but people might be interested to know that a man named Antoine Priore actually had successful tests back in the 1970's with a method of curing cancer electromagnetically.
Ahhh interesting. Check out this direct quote from Antoine Piore's site.

You can find there good informations about cure of cancers and others incurable deseases by mean of pulsed electric fields since 70 years.
Misunderstood. It seems. I wonder why this has never come to light before.
Yeh, I always thought all French people were good at English :P.
I read this piece of news in Hong Kong. It said that there is still a long way to go before we can ultimately defeat cancer.
Scientists are always close to curing or treating or finding out some huge problem.....
Well, this is one of the first times they've cured it in a human rather than a mouse, but try not to get cancer for at least 30 years, I doubt this will be rolling off the shelves soon, not with the clinical trials and everything else they need to do.

But remember, diseases like TB used to be feared 50 years ago. Now you can be vaccinated.
ultimately increadably doubtful, sorry :/

Cancer is a catchall word for a vast number of different genetic problems.

Also gene therapy is patchy at best, and if Bush gets his way will be outlawed anyho...

But tbh I aint seen the data, so I can't fully comment.
"Oops! Dropped the vial!"

"Johnson you FREAKIN' MORON!"

Indeed..few decades ago there were many diseases/bad things which we didnt have a cure and now we have. So I expect the same on cancer.

*looks at the image PvtRyan posted*

I think smoking will still kill.
But now just because your lungs will be so damn filled with crap that you'll suffocate :p
I trust that, in time, science will develope lung-scrubbing nanomachines.
I trust that, in time, science will develope lung-scrubbing nanomachines.
/me smells a future where human beings live from cigarettes, eliminating every other need ever in existance
Anti-smoking fanatics might try and push this back D:
It's really no surprise, I read somewhere that they claim to be 5-10 years away from a cure to aids. It's like people said, even a hundred years ago silly things like TB killed, now you can be vaccinated.
hell they were 5-10 years away from a cure to aids 5 years ago...

Sad truth is a lot of Science is politically natured, public image = funding = job

fecking politics
Yeah, there's not a lot of will to cure diseases... e.g. diabetes. If they cured diabetes, how would businesses sell diabetes monitoring kits?
There's a lot of politics behind these things.
That's what really pisses me off, the system is rife with bureaucracy like that, even in medicine. It is the true evil I tells ya! alot of these organisations ultimately are businesses inevitably putting the needs of the few over the needs of the many, in combination with products for curing deadly diseases = bureaucratical moral dilema.
This just in- scientists very close to my penis :(

Damn the man!
Oh yeah about curing diabetes. In our newspaper, there was an article about some kind of lizard whose saliva could cure certain types of diabetes. Umm......yeah. Never said what lizard. Tbh I don't believe it.

At least, not until it's been tested on someone.
This just in- scientists very close to my penis
I didn't know we could only see a single atom under a microscope!

Sorry, don't hate me!

Oh yeah about curing diabetes. In our newspaper, there was an article about some kind of lizard whose saliva could cure certain types of diabetes. Umm......yeah. Never said what lizard. Tbh I don't believe it.

At least, not until it's been tested on someone.
Well diabetes is just a lack of insulin, or having the hormone to tell the body that it needs to converting carbs into energy. The saliva may contain an active trigger for this hormone.

Possibly when that Lizard eats its food, it sends off a hormone similar to our insulin that tells the lizards body to get ready to break it down.

The other possiblity is that a Lizards saliva contains its own enzymes for breaking down sugar and carbs. A diabetic person may lack the enzymes to break sugar down and can't properly produce them. The body could recognize the Lizards saliva contains such enzymes and try and produce its own similar enzymes.
Hmm...Didn't think of it like that. If so, hopefully they'll utilize it in the near future.

Edit: If this lizard can possibly cure diabetes, I wonder what other animals we could benefit from.
Go go stem cell racing!

Anyway, this bodes well for man. Now we can all contract cancer and live! Isn't that extravagant?
Diseases will probably still be around. Germs and viruses mutate all the time. There are probably strains of the viruses that cause the common cold that might be immune to all our anti-biotics. Yes we have better medicines and such, but there are also viruses that adapt to this anti-biotics and become immune, and these viruses reproduce to make more immune viruses and so on and so on. It's kinda like a race =o