Scratches a very interesting and good looking new adventure game.


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Just checked out the trailer and the official site a bit and i have to say it looks like a very good game. And I love point and click adventures... though i haven't played many :( The story sounds ok in this one and the graphics are amazing...

*downloads demo*
I'll let you know what it's like.

Edit: Wooo 6 mins and i have the demo xD
wish the story wasn't a 'horror' type one, something fun/normal like monkey island or whatever but i'll still try it.
The demo was...ok. I didn't like it being in first person too much either. Story seems it could be a good one too. Meh, doubt i'll get this.
What attracted me to this game is that its a Horrer Adventure game. StillLife wasnt really Horrer but thriller and i loved that. Im going to play the demo HOPEFULLY today.
I love adventure games, especially creepy atmospheric ones! /downloads demo
Wow, that looks really cool! I'll get it when I'm done downloading 28 gigs of anime <_<