Screens of my first!



People say that when making your first map ever you'll need to keep it small and not so detailed...
Dont hear'em out! Ok, I've been doing some 3d before but never mapping and never ever Hammer nor CS/HL...

Well heres my map which is a authentic map of a Swedish school where I actually work as a music teacher (yes controversially enough, but it lets me bomb my own boss).
It's now a de_ map but spawn and bombtargets are being discussed and tested (yes I have lots of volunteering students)


Oh, of course! I send some real pictures from the school for comparison.

Please comment and give critics!
oh? I first time I posted them (at the same time on VERC Network forum though ;) )
How come I saw them yesterday on the verc forums then? Anyway, it looks better than most school maps (everyone makes them!) as you've paid some attention to the detail. Problem is you'll end up bored before you've finished probably, and it won't be that fun to play (probably). When designing maps you should box out the layout, then add the detail, not the other way around - otherwise you have a lot of work to do when you want to add somthing new...

I dont know you eAi but I can definitly see some pessimistic touch in there. You're just talking to the wrong guy I guess.
Im 30 years old, been working in the gamedevelopment professional before getting into teaching music. Been the lead design artist in a bigger project and do know both the absolute importance of level design, planning and playability. And yes, the level is outboxed from start (or even better it is carefully designed by several blueprintpapers over and over again before boxing) and it is now at 90% finished.
No, you haven't seen any screenshots of this map nor the school before as I took them today testing out the bots and put them up a few hours ago in Imageshack.
Sounds like you've done a few projects yourself ending up halfdone. Please don't judge everyone else with it.
Thanks for caring though ;)
Sorry for sounding negative. I think I've finished every map I've started... Anyway, I must be losing track of time... thought I saw that map yesterday ;) I'm sure I saw a picture of the bottom of the stairs in the distance on this picture:

Maybe that was someone else's map ;)

nice lay out but i think some differant textures in some places. like the ground seems a lot like its dirt or sand, maybe it be more fitting if it was tile? i dunno, looks nice though gj
eAi: yeah sry if I was so defensive too.

Yes Dangles7, problem is that the actual floor is looking like that. Of course there is always a fine line between authentic and estethic so I will consider changing it to something more "floorish" :thumbs:
:( it looked a bit like my old school.

WELL, THAT gave me power to make my own Map of my school!

Annars är den väldigt bra ;)
Will be betatested tomorrow by 20.00 (+1GMT that is)... mess me if interested to join the betatest.
I think it looks great, can't wait to try it out, but I think I'll wait till the release, unless you thro an IP up. Keep us posted on release date, and how the beta goes! :thumbs:
Looks like a pretty cramped school :p.. i think it looks like fun, just hope the map is balanced :)
Will post links to upload the map (now 12Mb though due to lots of custom textures and some sounds) after the big betatests in two days. Then it will be one official betamap to clear out the last issues and balance it even more.
Thank you for feedback so far :)
I was gonna gripe about the architecture being basic and the textures being eurgh, but you've stayed pretty faithful to the original, and if that's what you want then that's what you'll get.

I will say that the lighting needs working on, and also that a good mapper needs to know when to sacrifice authenticity for gameplay. If you're making it for CS:S then your mapping needs to reflect that.
unlike everyone else i have not seen this map yet i think the cafeteria lookls like the best room in the school great attention to detail there by the waqy is this map available for DL

i might have passed up the link what is it