screw trainstation, terminal was better

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I know, I'm naughty to talk about leaked maps but I couldn't help it. The original first level was called d1_terminal_01 and a better version of it was e3_terminal which was prepaired for e3 of coarse.

So terminal, I think I can talk about it because it has been revealed in a way. Through screenshots. Three screenshots of terminal were released early when news on HL2 came.

13.jpg and 22.jpg are slightly newer versions because the metrocops weren't near the red building in the final version, they were near the apc.

Anyway, I'll describe it to you as best as I can.

You start near the red building in a car tunnel, you walk out into the plaza to see the citizens lined up against the wall of the red building. When you walk up to the gate of the red building the cop inside listens to some instructions on his intercom and obeys by opening the door. The citizens against the wall walk into the building single file but when you try the door locks and the cop pushes you away.

You keap walking through the plaza, you see the two cops near the apc, one has a citizen on the ground, another is looking away from a guy pinned to the apc, the guy makes a move and the cop pins him again. Another cop arrived a few minutes before from the other side of the plaza(you'll see him walking towards there when you exit the tunnel).

You keap walking towards the building with the skylift thing on it(I think that's the trainstation) and you go on top via elevator to the skylift. You take the lift to get on top of a building, on your way there you pass some citizens on the roof, they look at you and push away some of their bottles which I think are molotovs and go back into the little attic in the building, another skides down the roof, gives you a glance and goes inside himself.

You climb down the building and go through a door into the building to come out on the other side where you see some soldiers marching through an alley, you get closer to them and you hear someone scream "HEY YOU!" and then the bombers appear on top the building in the alley where the soldiers are marching, they drop explosives killing soldiers, three soldiers open a gate and fire at the bombers killing them, a black guy on a building near the gate with the soldiers(two normal, one elite) fires a nade from his mp5 pdw and kills the two soldiers, the elite kills him, now you run into the yellow building again and close the door behind you, the alite knocks over the door, you run but the attempt fails and the elite gets you, it goes black.

This was the beginning of the game, not all of it, some was for e3 but a great deal had been planned.

Does that beat trainstation or what?!

This map has been converted to the final, pm me if you want it and I'll respond as soon as I get my pm priveleges(new member).
It sounds a bit too action packed for the very start of the game, i thought it was great as it was pacing wise.

It could have been a great scene a bit further on in the game though, but they would have had to rework a lot of the game to fit it in, and there was no need.
A lot of it was not in d1_terminal_01, the one I discribed was e3_terminal, for the e3 demo. A lot of the action was cut, probably just subtle things like the guys going into the attic and the guys going single file into the red building and stuff.
thats the problem with knowing everything that was going to go into half life 2. You begin to think the game is not as good as it could have been, when really valve removed stuff for a reason, it wasnt fun or it sucked etc.
If you played it you wouldn't think it sucked.

I was playing it at a cafe and some guy was actually amazed by it.
Its funny you brought this up, it was released by a leak community I post at.

To see some screens. BTW it does suck, the idea isnt really relavent to the story in Half Life 2, for example why would the combine watch you walk past and go along a technically useless lift to them.
It's got a precriminal global, this was before Gordon did anything bad.
oooh fstick

**** didnt notice it was you :D
Yeah, but now does it make any sense?

They didn't persue because you've done nothing.
This is inteded to replace the apartment part of trainstation or somthing like that. It is quite similar but diferent. I bet the next level after the elite gets you has alyx standing over you.

Personaly i think this would have been a more exciting second half of trainstation but woldnt have been able to replace the whole thing.
Azz0r, why are you playing terminal if you have "gotten over it" and itls so "2003"?

Terminal rocks, all of the old stuff was more exciting.
azz0r said:
Get over it, its sooooo 2003 :rolleyes:

Is that forum yours? I have been looking to download the beta for a longer time, but it's nowhere to be found. :|
Had they used this, it would
A: Not have given the player a nice, slow start of the game, which I think works much better.
B: Have blown overwatch troops, elites and weapons in advance
C: Destroyed the wonderful feeling of leading the resistance uprising, seeing as it had evidentally already begun, raids against combine using explosives in broad daylight doesn't quite fit in with underground railways.
D: Ruined the "Ohhhh, Ahhhh" feel the trainstation gave. And the total feel of supression. It really don't look as impressive as the trainstation, though it looks like fun, and would've been cooler later in the game. But I guess seeing the resistance destroying Breen's telescreen in anticitizen one was worth more.
It gave plenty "Ohh, Ahh". As I said (some of you are ignorent twats for not reading this) A LOT OF THE ACTION WAS NOT IN D1_TERMINAL_01, the action scenes were there for e3_. Ignore firecracker's remark unless he has some kind of evidence to back his theory.
fstick said:
Please don't ask about the beta monkey.

I did not ask for it. His forum seems to very beta-friendly, so to speak. I know better than to ask for the beta on this forum.
I think the terminal beginning was right to be cut, but one thing it does is give the player more of a feeling of being in a large place with things going on around him/her. In half-life the train journey may have been a tad boring, but it gave the player a sense of being part of this giant location, which added a feel to the game that wasn't there for hl2. This is why I have a feeling that the hl2 expansions won't be as good- because the awareness of other people's conflicts and adventure aren't as strong as in half-life.
The_Monkey said:
I did not ask for it. His forum seems to very beta-friendly, so to speak. I know better than to ask for the beta on this forum.

Which forum would that be?
Anyone know anything more. I am curious, for instance I would have loved to have seen the "Airexchange" maps in there, they looked like they were actually on the combine planet or something. Then there was the burning boat levels where you were on that arctic ship and trying to get off?. And the levels where you ended up in some Polar base, some really interesting stuff was in that beta. and in a way I wish it had been included in the game, ithey seemed like pretty cool locales to me.
That's the thing. They may have seemed like cool locales, but if they didn't fit in with the story, they had to be cut. For example, a deserted space station with no lights might seem like a cool location, but look how doom 3 turned out, horribly repetetive.
I think a hell of a lot of people have got a bad case of 'the grass is always greener'. Half Life 2 is the best game ever. Valve won't have cut anything because they wanted to piss people off. It will have been cut because it was shit or didn't play well. FFS people get over it. It's gone and probably won't be included in the expansion packs or HL3. I also think some of Valves ideas sounded brilliant and wished to God they'd put them in (the alien that couldn't be modified by the combine but was kept as a wepaon sounded so interesting and mysterious) but Valve decided they weren't good enough and i trust Valve. :cheers:

<end of rant>
Well, the air exchange was also leaked in the 1500 mappack but it is much too incomplete and francly sorta boring. A menu background or two might pop up based on it's 3d skybox though.

The Borealis is what I presume to be the burning ship you spoke of. It was also leaked and might be released sometime. It'd take some time though because it is an entire chapter(about seven maps) and is buggy and unfinished but I guarantee it will be released by someone.

A level I find intriguing and old is the one named "vert" standing for vertigo. It's a skyscraper, it was cut incredibly early in developement. You and Alyx crash onto a sky scraper on your helicopter and civil protection are dispatched to get you. It has very well written dialog for the cops (no voice mufflers).

Terminal was indeed the beginning of the game, it was very far from e3_ terminal, it was the old trainstation. It had some awesome dialogue. You are on the run with some of barney's friends because you can't be seen by the combine for reasons unknown.
I did some work on borealis, it was quite scary.
I like the trainstation more. It gives you more time to explore and get familiar with the world
Trollocks to the older material, it wasnt used for a reason, one that proffessional dev's decided on. It looks interesting, but none of that beats walking out of the doors to the trainstation to see the citadel in the distance spiring up through the clouds. or how the metro cop abuses his power to make you pick up that can. the finalised stuff blends beautifully,Terminal its sorta purdy, but it seems. well.. incomplete and not aswell thought out :p
Are you stupid? This is the e3 presentation. If you want I'll add you to msn sometime and send you the dialog from d1_terminal_01 to prove that it was better.

e3_terminal is for e3, it's full of action, it's NOT WHAT IT WAS TO BE IN THE GAME.
well, I was actually commenting on its possible use in the game as it seems to have been a working concept for the beginning.. but yes im terribly stupid, infact im so dumb to have my opinion of the trainstation being better.. its obviously affecting my judgement :dozey: .

it depends what stikes your fancy, as in the finished version, they chose trainstation to ease the player into the action, not too abrupt like HL1. lots of action doesnt nesserserily make a better beginning, especially with HL in my opinion.. its nice to have that high contrast when it comes to taking it all in, and waiting for it all to kick off.
Again, how ignorent are you? I've told you people like ten times that THE E3 MAP IS NOT WHAT WAS MEANT TO BE IN THE GAME. God-****ing-dammit, can you read?
obviously not, because it wasnt used. :| im just saying why I think it wasnt if 'you' can read, I stated that ... so quit weinin its not that important.
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