ScrewAttack's top 10 ps3 titles

Sad but true. 2008 can't get here soon enough, but I am REALLY glad some of the multiplatform games are performing as well or better on the PS3, so I (thankfully) can't complain about it at all anymore (mostly because I couldn't give a squirt about EA's yearly regurgitated garbage). Plus the exclusives so far have been getting better and better: Heavenly Sword was very pretty and halfway decent, Ratchet & Clank was absolutely gorgeous and fun as heck, Uncharted looks to up the ante even further with stellar graphics and seriously fun gameplay and a great story and there are more to come next year that should give it some much needed feet to stand on.
This video can be qft.
i'm surprised theres more than 10 games out for the ps3 actually

one of the funniest videos to date by screwattack


they got 10 numbers that's all they promised.
The PS3 has ten titles out?
I learn something new every day.
What? It's still hip to make fun of Sony?

I learn something new every day.

On a side note, Uncharted comes out next week and I couldn't be happier. Now there's a kickass exclusive.
Haha, that was a pretty funny video. Sadly PS3 still needs more exclusives and other games. Xbox360's library is too much for Sony to get some marketshare. Would be good to revisit that top 10 next year, same time. Although it probably would be more serious and not as funny (because there would actually be games to put in the top 10).