Script Kiddy leaves photo ID?!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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As the administrator of a free shell account provider, I see all kinds of questionable activity on a regular basis. Some people try their hardest to root the server they've been given access to, shut it down, or to wreak havoc on a remote server from ours. In any case, they usually try to cover their tracks before trying anything stupid. Not so in the case of Mr. Machelesen of the Netherlands. Before uploading and executing a perl script designed to send a flood of UDP traffic to an IRC user, he was kind enough to upload a scanned copy of his official government-issued photo ID to his public_html folder.
You think you've heard it all but theres always one more idiot that manages to amaze you.
Good way to frame someone...

It's true, unless of course the whole IP thing is the same...but then he'd have to have been at the guys house, which means the guy would know who did it.
*note to self.. get on someones unsecure wireless connection, get a hold of their ID and frame them
someone who attacks someone else electronicly with downloaded cracks/hacks/exploits etc. Not the same as a hacker, who creates the cracks/hacks etc that they use.

Edit - I mean hacker in the sence of electronic attackers
This smells so hard of frame it's not normal.

Did you even read the article? Probably not..

UPDATE: As if that wasn't enough evidence, he's come out and admitted on his personal website that the ID is indeed his. In addition, the IP that was used to execute the UDP flood perl script matches the IP he contacted me with on IRC. Please, for the sake of my sanity, stop telling me he might have been framed.
someone who attacks someone else electronicly with downloaded cracks/hacks/exploits etc. Not the same as a hacker, who creates the cracks/hacks etc that they use.

Edit - I mean hacker in the sence of electronic attackers
Ha, 99.99% of hackers are script kiddies. The difference is that the more respectable hackers know how to make their own stuff, where as the newbies haven't got a clue.

WRT the thread - Netherlands = newbies. If you trace a noob on the internet, 8 times out of 10 you're looking at a address. The rest are belgian or american. I think we'd do the world a favour if these countries had their interweb wires snipped.
Ha, 99.99% of hackers are script kiddies. The difference is that the more respectable hackers know how to make their own stuff, where as the newbies haven't got a clue.

A script kiddy isn't a hacker though...
A script kiddy isn't a hacker though...
True enough. What do you reccommend? An exam for all wannabe hackers? So they can progress from the level of Script Kiddie, and recieve a complementary black or white hat as a reward? :laugh:

I doubt it makes much difference. Script kiddies = noobs. At least this much is obvious.
Good idea. The exam will be that they have to hack into a given system, from their system. They will be allowed no anti virus software, nor may they download any executables. Only if they get in, and their system is free of virus' may they be called true hackers. Then they get a hat. A black one, obviously. God, haven't you even seen the matrix?!?

I think too, if they're using msn/messenger/aol(are all 3 the same?)/icq they're a script kiddy.

The difference is script kiddies never shut up about all the "tools" they've downloaded (apps made by people who actually know how to write code) and all the stupid, meaningless, pointless and retarded things they plan to do with those "tools". It's enough to make you want to swallow your own tongue and choke to death on it. Where as someone that knows what and why they are doing something probably will never mention it.

There's a saying, something like, those who talk usually don't know.
It's false. A lot of people who know... a lot... talk... a lot. But yes, script kiddies generally do follow that trend.
Don't know if anyone mentioned this yet, but the hacker could have left that ID scan there intentionaly.
A script kiddy by definition is someone who uses scripts they did not make themselves and does not know how they work. All they care about is "enter IP here" or whatever.