scrwed up xp theme, all black cept for browser


Sep 13, 2003
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i can't sven seethis text right now, but i was fooling with atheme from and somehow it went all black, icons show up but nothing else. is there a way to retore to default? safemode keeps this sdcrewed up theme, if i had some kind of .vbs to switch to default theme that would be nice. any ideas?
never used system retore, how would i do that? there is technically nothing wrong with windows,
If at all possible,

Start > run > services.msc > Themes

And disable it and restart. That should force themes to run as default (ie. no special themes)
every single menu is solid black including text. the only stuff that show sup is html, which is why i got in ths page. i can't see right click menu, nor start menu, solid black
if you could make a .reg file wthat disables the themes services that would do the trick!
Try this:

Hold the Windows key and hit r. type "services.msc" without the quote and hit enter. Hit tab, then hit t 7 times. Hit enter. Then hold alt and hit t.
i get a 'ding' when i do the alt tright now its manual and enabled
Hm. But you're at the themes service window? Can you see if it's ACTUALLY running?

Okay, here's an easier way:

Start, run, C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes\Luna.theme
gives me an error when i do that

uits all black, just imagine a big black square onas every window
There was no space in luna, dunno why the forum put it there..

I'll make you a reg file, if you know where in the registry it'd be stored (the themes service switch)
damn, i do have the path in the registry but i can't see it to get it argh.
System restore is a little built-in utility to fix nuissance-type problems. System restore doesn't work with actual problems, just things like "my media player won't work" or possibly "my XP theme is screwed up."

I don't think system restore will work since everything is black on your desktop and you won't be able to see what you are doing. Give me a minute to think or another solution.
fixed. used a friends computer to figure out a chain of keyboard commands to restore it