SDK Error

Sep 18, 2003
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Well, I've been using the SDK for about two days, and already it has screwed up.

When I try to open it, I get the error: "Error 116: Cache needs repair".

I have tried running a gcf file verifyer, and ive tried re-downloading the steam files, but nothing removes the error. What can I do?

And if I cant fix it, can I download hammer from somewhere else and manually configure it?
Well I found a quick way around it, that is to open hammer directly from its .exe. Its annoying though, I had to configure it manually.

Plus I now have errors in the compiling saying it cant read certain files. Its really getting on my nerves, can anybody shed some light?
The only way that I can think of to fix an error like that, would be to "deleting local content" and redownload... (for the SDK). It would be time consuming, and it may not even work. Sorry :S
NoisyMonk said:
The only way that I can think of to fix an error like that, would be to "deleting local content" and redownload... (for the SDK). It would be time consuming, and it may not even work. Sorry :S

I had to do it 3 times to get it to work :)... Make sure you go in and delete the files from the steam folder after you do the delete from steam too. it leaves some files.