SDK like a giant maze of doom


Jul 21, 2004
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Getting around SDK

I just don't know how to get around SDK, I need help with that.

How do you know exactly where to go in all those tons of .cpp files and knowing where to make all the changes you need make go?

For example, something that I thought might be easy is finding out where run and walk speeds are at so I can make them faster.

I tried to open up any cpp file that could have to do with moving around and then I thought "this can't be the way to do it, that's rediculous amount of files, and what if I guessed wrong?" what's the way to figure out something like that?

Obviously I just don't know how to get around massive amounts of .cpp/.h files, so someone shed some light on my ignorance and help me out. O_O

If it helps, I'm new to hl2 coding, but not new to programming in general. So once I figure out how to get around I can do some good! :D

Knowledge is power!
The easiest way to find something is to... ummmm... search for it.

Use "Find in files" or an external search program (I use WinGrep because it handles regular exporessions). Just DON'T use the ultra-crappy Windows Search feature because it blows chunks.

If you are looking for stuff that effects walking/running search for "walk", "run", or "movement".

The read through the code in the areas of the files that matched your search keywords.
