second IDE HDD not detected in windows.


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
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As title suggests, my 2nd IDE hard drive is not being detected by windows. i have used dual hard drives in PC systems before hand and not experienced any issues so im not sure what to do.
i have an 80gb one in now but i want another HD with 40gb on to store my files to leave additional space for games on the 80gb disk.

Both hard drives are detected in the BIOS however.
The 80gb disk won't have a partition or file system on it if it's new ...

Do windowskey+r and run compmgmt.msc then go to disk management on the left.

Select the drive from the lower window on the right, and make a partition on it (make active partition, whatever).
Both hard drives are detected in the BIOS however.
I'm assuming by this that the hard drives are correctly set for master/slave operation? If so, then lePobz is probably right about the partitioning.
Windows Not Detecting DVD/RW Drive

If you want to do it the hard way, you can take your current primary drive and place the new one in its place, then get your boot disc and partion it then swap them round again when its finished. Then load up windows and see if it picks it up then.