Second Sight by Free Radical

Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
Did anybody else get a chance to play this? I picket it up used on the 'box from Gamestop a couple days ago and I'm *really* enjoying it, it's refreshing to find a game that borrows from different genres but still manages to retain buckets of originality.
For those not in the know, it's a third-person action game by Free Radical (the British development team originally resposible for Goldeneye on the N64 and Timsplitters 1 and 2) that combines the stealth action of MGS with the psychic power coolness of Galerians. It has a very well written story (even if the VA for the main character is a bit naff) and *gorgeous* character models and animation.
I remember reading up about it in EDGE last year in previews, and they were highly anticipating it but it kinda disappeared off the radar. It's a shame it didn't really come out with the explosion that they hoped, but it's a solid game none the less.
Yeah, it's a fun game. :) One of the better adventure games I've seen on a console.
It's good, mostly. The adventuring and the story are great. The stealth sections are abysmal though, and the powers seem a little weak.
whens the pc version out?it was announced last year it was comin to pc
might get it after mgs 3 and bia if it has decent replay value
Zerimski said:
It's good, mostly. The adventuring and the story are great. The stealth sections are abysmal though, and the powers seem a little weak.

Really? I didn't think the powers were too bad, and had a lot of fun with them, but if your comparing them to psi ops, then yeah i guess they arn't quite in par.
i - love - adventure games so i'll be sure to take a look @ this.

i went to the site and watched the trailer, looks pretty interesting, alot of different things you can do.

would you recomend this on pc, xbox or ps2 ?
I would definately say it's a console game, though I've no idea how it works on the PC.
It's more of a console game, the controls and so on, plus, the PC version has a few physics glitches.