security council resolution aproves no fly zone on libia


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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The UN Security Council has backed a no-fly zone over Libya and "all necessary measures" short of an invasion "to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas".

The UK, France and Lebanon proposed the council resolution, with US support.

Meeting in New York, the 15-member body voted 10-0 in favour, with five abstentions.

Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi's forces have recently retaken several towns seized by rebels in an uprising.

Loyalist forces are threatening the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, home to a million people.

Earlier reports suggested that if the resolution were passed, air attacks on Col Gaddafi's forces by the British and French air forces could begin within hours.
It's going to be real interesting to see how this pans out. Even if gadaffi goes who it seems there are no stand out opposition figures to take over. And its very unusual for the us to stand back and not head up any kind of military action.
Is it wrong that I'm in favour of this becuase I want to see the Eurofighter rape MIGs?
Yeah, way to go with the crowd, France. GROW SOME BALLS YOU PUSHOVER.
I'm a little confused. Didn't Cameron pretty much dump all our carriers. What are we going to lunch our planes from :s
Is it wrong that I'm in favour of this becuase I want to see the Eurofighter rape MIGs?

Yeah it's wrong, but we all have our own guilty pleasures.

Hope they take vids, the pilots, I mean.
I'm a little confused. Didn't Cameron pretty much dump all our carriers. What are we going to lunch our planes from :s

We'll launch them from France. They can't say no because they have no BALLS.
Britain has bases on Cyprus, which I think are close enough to Libya. Malta and Italy will also probably allow their bases to be used by France and the UK if needed.
Libya's military is already heading for Benghazi, the second-largest city in the country. Gadaffi has pledged 'no mercy' to the rebels situated in that area, and for all we know, the two sides might be clashing at this very moment. It seems obvious that a war is going to emerge from this conflict, and I know Gadaffi's not going down without a bloody fight.
I wonder what the ulterior motive is here. Probably something to do with oil interests.
Taken them long enough to get this resolution passed, as long as UN/NATO countries don't get involved in a ground war then I fully support them taking these steps to try and stop Gaddafi. It might just be too little too late though sadly.

I wonder though if similar will happen with Bahrain if that went down the route of Libya?
Wait, who exactly will the Brits and the French be bombing? Gadaffi's ground forces, his ammunition depots, his communication centres, his oil refineries, his planes? And since when does a no-fly-zone entail the bombing of a country by a third party? Can someone clear this up please?
Wait, who exactly will the Brits and the French be bombing? Gadaffi's ground forces, his ammunition depots, his communication centres, his oil refineries, his planes? And since when does a no-fly-zone entail the bombing of a country by a third party? Can someone clear this up please?

It's a no-fly zone with additional military measures short of a ground invasion. However, due to recent events, there won't be any air strikes against Libya because they've already declared a ceasefire against the rebels.
That ceasefire is a hoax. Libyan troops are still bombarding Misurata with artillery and there are reports of fighting in a town near Benghazi. Al-Jazeera also reported explosions in the west of Tripoli about an hour ago. Ghaddafi can only save his butt by fleeing the country. If he stays put, he will either end up with a couple of 7.62 mm rounds in his stomach or he will be caught by UN troops and tried by the International Criminal Court. The game is on now.
I'm a little confused. Didn't Cameron pretty much dump all our carriers. What are we going to lunch our planes from :s

France and Italy. Just like the excercise Southern Mistral 2011. Which has absolutely nothing to do with air strikes on Libya at all. Its not like theres anything important in the practiced 1600km distance from the airfields they're taking off from, like say... Tripoli which is 1400km away.
I JUST NOW noticed the misspell in the thread title. ... sorry non-native speaker thread creator
41 people have been killed in demonstrations in Jemen. Shit is spreading.
It's a bluff. Government forces are stepping the attack. Trying to take Misrata before the No Fly Zone is carried out.

Exactly. They declared a 'ceasefire' in the hopes of delaying the international community from stepping in on the situation, allowing them more time to assault key cities like Misrata and win the fight against the rebels.
So instead of Gadaffi's troops pointing guns in peoples' faces to keep the peace the UN are going to do it instead? That's cool.
We'll probably let go tons of shit short of invasion of Poland.
US aircraft have been arriving at Prestwick airport in Scotland for refuelling. British Tornado fighters have already departed from there, carrying long-range fuel tanks. Shit's about to get real.
I don't think Gaddafi will be dumb enough to shoot at our planes. I do wonder what we would do if he did.
Well, you wouldn't think he'd be dumb enough to keep attacking Benghazi after announcing a ceasefire, either. He's quite obviously batshit insane.
Gadaffi sent letters to a few Western leaders, including the United States, in an attempt to justify his attacks. In his message to President Obama, he wrote, "If you found them taking over American cities by the force of arms, tell me what you would do."

Yeah, I think he is insane.
PARIS – A French official says Mirage and Rafale fighter jets are flying over the Libyan city of Benghazi and could strike Libyan tanks.
The official says the jets are flying over the opposition stronghold and its surroundings to ensure that Moammar Gadhafi's forces could not take any action there.
The official says the French operation could strike Libyan tanks later Saturday.
Not only is the entire world against him, but half his own army is on the other side. What the hell does he think he can achieve at this stage? If I were him I'd stock up on some water, food and international currency and head south into the Sahara while my head is still attached to my body.
This kind of logic doesn't apply to Gadaffi. He's on an entirely different plane of thought to those around him.
I don't think Gaddafi will be dumb enough to shoot at our planes. I do wonder what we would do if he did.

I don't think his planes could shoot down ours. Does anyone know what the Libyan military is flying? If they do pose a threat just send in some F-22's. Those things will be able to lock onto any enemy plane from such a great distance that the F-22's will be turned around and on their way out of Lybian airspace before the missiles hit their targets.

Edit: The Libyan military is flying Migs and Mirages. I asked my dad, an aerospace engineer, if they posed a threat to anything France, britain or the US was flying and his response was "GOD NO." he didn't even have to think about it.

Anti aircraft guns and missiles are another matter I suppose.
I never realized how creepy Gaddafi looks, until today.