Security sucks


Nov 1, 2004
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Speaking only from personal opinion, i think security overall sucks. Im not talking about computers. Here is what ive noticed:

1. The US Airforce base that i live by has very bad security if you ask me. Yes, ofcorse the base is fenced off with razor wires ontop of it, but the entrances to the base are pure shit. There is MAX 3 armed soldiers at each gate, and 50% of the time its Italian soldiers who are only servicing because its the law, so they dont give a shit about putting any effort into it. When they check IDs they simply glance over it, i have gained access several times with an expired ID. I have even gained access WITHOUT an ID because the guy didnt count the #of ID cards and # of people in the car. Also, anyone with an ID can sign people without IDs in, which is good, but the problem is that all the soldiers do is write your name on a slip and glance over your passport for a split second. Terrorists could access this base without any problems at all. If they choose to go in the hardcore way, thats no problem either. They can simply drive in with trunk filled with explosives, crash into a building and BOOM without the 3 idiot soldiers at the gate even noticing. There is barely any police or soldiers patrolling on the inside or outside the base. There are no security cameras, there are no K9s. I bet i can take a ladder and a mattress and climb over the fence without anyone noticing.

2. The airports in europe have shitty security too. I just came back from Germany (the US Airforce base in Ramstein has REAL security btw) and i could of easily smuggled tons of drugs without even breaking a sweat. When you go through the security check, no one looked at my passport or boarding papers, no one checked my pockets, nothing. When i went through the boarding gate, all she did was rip my boarding paper, she didnt even look at my passport. When walking to the actual airplane, people from other airplanes that just arrived are walking the same path, they can EASILY walk into the planes taking off without anyone noticing (there are plenty of seats left on the plane). When i landed, there was one skinny cop who was half asleep guarding the exit of the airport, not even a K9 or anything. Malaga, Madrid, Venice, Venice-Treviso, Frankfurth-Hahn, Munic, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Stockholm, all these airports i have been too sucks when it comes to security.


So you're complaining about the security in airforce bases... Which I've never heard of being infiltrated or anything of the sort, and you're also saying we need more airport security in civilian airports.

Sorry but you're absolutely nuts.
No im not saying we need MORE, im saying that the security we have right now is useless to the point where we dont need it. However, on US bases, i think they need more security because Americans arent very liked outside the US as you know. Im just saying that its incredibly easy to get in/out of a base, and it shouldnt be.
But if nothing really ever happens, why would we want to spend more money to improve security that appears to be doing the job as it is.
But its not doing the job as it is, people who do not have access to Military/Airforce bases are able to enter, thats a security flaw. If they spend less money building 9999 Shopettes and Bowling Alleys inside every freaking base and instead put some money at increasing security at the gates, they can easily fix this flaw.
In a slightly related note to the actual topic: Why the hell can't I bring my Fanta on to the plane? It's ****ing retarded. Clearly there 7up-drinking Arab/IRA terrorists should be allowed to enjoy a cool refreshment on the flights, lest they feel revitalized enough from the consumption of a chilled beverage to hijack a flight. That is, of course, unless you want to buy a warm, overpriced drink from the duty free. "Oh no, this soft drink is room temperature, I can no longer bring myself to carry out my evil terrorist plot and am defeated!"
But its not doing the job as it is, people who do not have access to Military/Airforce bases are able to enter, thats a security flaw.

A security "flaw" that nobody is exploiting. If it is not broke, don't fix it.
I thought this was a thread about mall security and how they bully Ravioli.

So ****ing disappointed.
Say, Officer Danimal, do you want to go pick on that bony little kid over there loitering in front of Macy's?
I thought this was a thread about mall security and how they bully Ravioli.

So ****ing disappointed.

I was once raped by a mall security officer.

Anyway, just because its a flaw that has never been exploited doesnt mean that nothing should be done about it. Its such a simple flaw that is cheap and easy to fix while it greatly reduces the risk of wrong people getting access to the base. The whole purpose of fencing off the area is to keep unauthorized people out and to keep the people on the inside safe. Having good stable security gates should be a priority.
Nobody'a wants to'a get in'a! Dey are all'a eatin' the pasta and mmmmmakin' the love!
I think raviolli fooled all that security cuz he is caucasic
Italy sucks. What do you expect? It's not like they get into wars.
When i went through the boarding gate, all she did was rip my boarding paper, she didnt even look at my passport.

You were flying inside Schengen-countries. Nobody cares about passports there.
1. The US Airforce base that i live by has very bad security if you ask me. Yes, ofcorse the base is fenced off with razor wires ontop of it, but the entrances to the base are pure shit.

Don't judge a book by its cover. Somebody is always watching.

Also, who cares? It's not like they're protecting anything extremely valuable. Unless...
Oh I totally forgot to reply to Vegeta:


There is no true terrorist threat.

How can I say this?

Because if there were, they'd bomb the queues for the metal detectors.
2. The airports in europe have shitty security too. I just came back from Germany (the US Airforce base in Ramstein has REAL security btw) and i could of easily smuggled tons of drugs without even breaking a sweat. When you go through the security check, no one looked at my passport or boarding papers, no one checked my pockets, nothing. When i went through the boarding gate, all she did was rip my boarding paper, she didnt even look at my passport. When walking to the actual airplane, people from other airplanes that just arrived are walking the same path, they can EASILY walk into the planes taking off without anyone noticing (there are plenty of seats left on the plane). When i landed, there was one skinny cop who was half asleep guarding the exit of the airport, not even a K9 or anything. Malaga, Madrid, Venice, Venice-Treviso, Frankfurth-Hahn, Munic, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Stockholm, all these airports i have been too sucks when it comes to security.


Keep thinking they have shitty security too, behind closed doors more things go on than you think.
I came back from Canada a few weeks ago and completely bypassed UK customs and immigration by mistake. I took a wrong turn after i got of the plane and somehow bypassed all the security and got my bags and got out. I was really surprised how easy it was.

So you're complaining about the security in airforce bases... Which I've never heard of being infiltrated or anything of the sort, and you're also saying we need more airport security in civilian airports.

Sorry but you're absolutely nuts.

But if nothing really ever happens, why would we want to spend more money to improve security that appears to be doing the job as it is.
lol 9/11

Keep thinking they have shitty security too, behind closed doors more things go on than you think.
Maybe it's like casino surveillance up in ths shit.
Speaking only from personal opinion, i think security overall sucks. Im not talking about computers. Here is what ive noticed:

1. The US Airforce base that i live by has very bad security if you ask me. Yes, ofcorse the base is fenced off with razor wires ontop of it, but the entrances to the base are pure shit. There is MAX 3 armed soldiers at each gate, and 50% of the time its Italian soldiers who are only servicing because its the law, so they dont give a shit about putting any effort into it. When they check IDs they simply glance over it, i have gained access several times with an expired ID. I have even gained access WITHOUT an ID because the guy didnt count the #of ID cards and # of people in the car. Also, anyone with an ID can sign people without IDs in, which is good, but the problem is that all the soldiers do is write your name on a slip and glance over your passport for a split second. Terrorists could access this base without any problems at all. If they choose to go in the hardcore way, thats no problem either. They can simply drive in with trunk filled with explosives, crash into a building and BOOM without the 3 idiot soldiers at the gate even noticing. There is barely any police or soldiers patrolling on the inside or outside the base. There are no security cameras, there are no K9s. I bet i can take a ladder and a mattress and climb over the fence without anyone noticing.

2. The airports in europe have shitty security too. I just came back from Germany (the US Airforce base in Ramstein has REAL security btw) and i could of easily smuggled tons of drugs without even breaking a sweat. When you go through the security check, no one looked at my passport or boarding papers, no one checked my pockets, nothing. When i went through the boarding gate, all she did was rip my boarding paper, she didnt even look at my passport. When walking to the actual airplane, people from other airplanes that just arrived are walking the same path, they can EASILY walk into the planes taking off without anyone noticing (there are plenty of seats left on the plane). When i landed, there was one skinny cop who was half asleep guarding the exit of the airport, not even a K9 or anything. Malaga, Madrid, Venice, Venice-Treviso, Frankfurth-Hahn, Munic, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Stockholm, all these airports i have been too sucks when it comes to security.


Australias army bases are worse, theres un armed private security personal guarding the front entrances, they are all fat and old. Some middle eastern men were arrested a couple of weeks ago because they were planning to assault the base with automatic machines guns. There would be no one to stop them.
So you're telling us that nobody can stop the men who were stopped and arrested?

If your reply was in regards to my post, you need to learn to read.

What i was saying is, that if they did infact not get stopped early by the police and had infact came up to the main entrance to the base, there would be no one to stop them. They would shoot the unarmed guns, walk in and kill alot of people which was there plan.
Airport security is bullshit right now. We dont need so much ****ing security because terrorists aren't going to use airplanes as a method of attack anymore. It would be stupid to, because everyone is already suspicious of everything now so they would get caught even without official security. Plus if they tried to hijack a plane, everyone would get up and fight in attempt to prevent another 9/11. Not only that, but if a terrorist was intent on suicide bombing, the second they get caught by security they'd trigger the bomb and blow the shit out of all the people crowded around them in the backed up security lines, like Sulk said.

How many terrorists have been stopped since we revamped security? I'm betting its pretty ****ing close to zero. How many innocent people have had a stranger's hands shoved up their assholes in the name of better security? I'm betting the number is a lot higher than zero. Its the same kind of shit as DRM on video games, it just hurts legitimate customers and does nothing to prevent the things they're trying to prevent.
No, but this is a very rare occurrence anyway. Is it justifiable to spend so much money on security that probably isn't needed? TIt doesn't matter how many guns you're carrying, if someone pulls up in a car and shoots you through the window, you're going to die. So there goes the armed guard.

Of now I'm getting into the realm of ifs and buts just like you. Personally, I feel that a base with lots of armed men outside is a more attractive target anyway.
Airport security is bullshit right now. We dont need so much ****ing security because terrorists aren't going to use airplanes as a method of attack anymore. It would be stupid to, because everyone is already suspicious of everything now so they would get caught even without official security. Plus if they tried to hijack a plane, everyone would get up and fight in attempt to prevent another 9/11. Not only that, but if a terrorist was intent on suicide bombing, the second they get caught by security they'd trigger the bomb and blow the shit out of all the people crowded around them in the backed up security lines, like Sulk said.

How many terrorists have been stopped since we revamped security? I'm betting its pretty ****ing close to zero. How many innocent people have had a stranger's hands shoved up their assholes in the name of better security? I'm betting the number is a lot higher than zero. Its the same kind of shit as DRM on video games, it just hurts legitimate customers and does nothing to prevent the things they're trying to prevent.

Wrong. Recently in the UK 3 terrorists were found guilty off trying to blow up several planes. The method was genius. They planned to use liquid explosives concealed in drink bottles then detonate them with disposable cameras and hollowed out batteries. That's the reason security had to be stepped up further and why liquids are now banned. We were lucky that the intelligent agency's were on the ball that night and prevented it.
Aeroplanes are still a major target simply for the fact they carry so many people and can cause tremendous damage.

More on the plot here.

Security is there there to make it as difficult for the terrorist as possible. The more hoops they got to go though the more likely they are to be caught.
DRM in games is similar. DRM is NOT meant to stop piracy contrary to what people think. DRM instils uncertainty. The worse times for a game to be pirated is before release date and soon after release. DRM is there to prevent the games being leaked early like Valve did with Steam. If a game is not cracked a few day or weeks after release some people become inpatient they don't know if it will be cracked and buy the game. The longer the protection hold out the more sales they'll get, the potential customers want it ASAP and if they don't see a working pirated copy anytime soon they will buy it and the ones who wouldn't buy it wait it out and that's no lost.

If Episode 3 was leaked say 3 months early fully completed how many of you could resist?