Seemingly harmless and uninmportant news


Aug 6, 2004
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We're used to computers becoming obsolete almost as soon as they leave the store because of rapid advances in chip technology, but the whole science of silicon chips is starting to show its age.

more blablabla
Industry leaders say it must be retired within 10 years and replaced with something better, if computer technology is to continue advancing at the current pace.

more wait...what's this
IBM earlier this year announced that its chip plants were going to start using a "self-assembling" process, in which material forms a nanoscale structure by itself, rather than being shaped with expensive lithography.

self! anyone watched Stargate? remember the replicators? :angel:
nice vid...but i somewhat doubt that modern nanoscale factories will be arranged like that.

the video showed a factory that is way to much human arrangement/design type.

i guess nanoscale stuff will be immensely more integrated and connected, than some conveyor belts and transport mechanisms resembling those of macrosize type.

i think it will be much more to do with electromagnetically and laser ray assembly, than scaled down mechanical equipment.

anyway...can't wait!
Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?

Nano-scale Rude Goldberg machines! :O :O :O
lol if that nano-tech stuff in that vid becomes real, then the age of Pirating Hardware is here :D Imagine going to the pirate bay and download the torrent for an 8800 Ultra...or whatever the future holds :D
Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?

Nano-scale Rude Goldberg machines! :O :O :O
But how will we make it do something insignificant when we're already working on the lowest physical level possible?!! ;(
I read something a couple years ago about how scientists were working towards having bio-computers. Where information can be transmitted through living tissue at speeds far greater than any machine could do. Sounded pretty freaky, and I immediately thought of Deus Ex, and then came.

I also dont get that video, and feel almost as insignificant as Gunner.
I still don't understand how all of it is supposed to work and it makes me feel insignificant.

I know exactly how you feel. The entire thing just confused me to no end, but at least it seemed awesome!
Imagine people coding viruses and other harmful programs for self-assembling or nano operated / device creating machines........

D: end of the world as we know it
Yeah, after we create that machine, industry is pretty much screwed if it comes to the common market. It would then just be a matter of who sells raw components.
Imagine people coding viruses and other harmful programs for self-assembling or nano operated / device creating machines........

D: end of the world as we know it
Jesus... finally a way to stab people in the face over the internet?

What's the nano-tech machine called that never ends?