Selective connection problem


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
Guys, quick before it disconnects again! (j/k, but maybe a bit serious?) EDIT: MOTHER****ER dropped connection as I was writing this but reconnected!

I'm getting this weird connection issue, it occured first yesterday evening and now today in the morning.

Yesterday I was browsing the Internet and suddenly pages stopped loading. I got disconnected from an instant messanger I'm using as well. I tried to refresh, I restarted my connection, no luck. The thing is, I could ping servers fine through the command window. Eventually I restarted my whole router - didn't help - then restarted my PC and it worked.

So it was a temporary issue fixable by a restart, right? Wrong!

Today I start the PC - same problem, again. I check to see that pinging works fine. I can't browse webpages. I CAN connect to Steam and ping servers there. I can't download my e-mail. Protocols selectively working, what? I restart the PC - nothing this time. Fiddle with settings for a bit - nothing. Restart the router - nothing BUT connection suddenly starts fully working about 2-3 minutes afterwards.

Also, this is not some spyware crap related issue, because when I tried accessing the net from my brother's computer, connected to the same router, it failed to do so as well. Got to be either the router or the ISP, either way I don't see the logic in some protocols working and some not.

What's the deal with this partially working connection? Suggestions, please.