Selective Human Breeding


Jun 21, 2004
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Hmmm, something Ive been thinking about. You know how farmers will pick the best to breed to create better young, how about that for humans? If there was some totalitarian government, or some force controlling all human breeding, would you be willing to disallow some people having children, or do you believe its everyones right to have children?
It would be a drastic, step towards a "perfect" world, no offence meant, but imagine if only the good looking, bright, healthy,polite people were allowed to have children, in a few generations the human race could be concentrated, a smarter, stronger, better looking (shallow, but the majority of people are) race. No racism please, and a controlled serious discussion, hypothetically speaking.
Hey if the Nazis tried it, it can't be wrong.

Sorry, but they basically did try to engineer a better society by ruling out the breeding of inferiors. I think, people in a way take so called selective breeding into their own hands away. Attractive people(Well, not just them but they are the one who usually succeed) generally go for attractive people and basically the worse you look, and are, the less chance you have to breed.

Edit: I wouldn't support a government enforced breeding programme at all, however simple personal opinion on such matters is fine. If everyone thinks you look ugly then so be it...but having some sort of official label is just rubbing salt in really :P
No, it wouldn't. My parents are good looking, bright, healthy, polite people, and just LOOK at what they produced! ME.
They would all die from some crippling genetic disease.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Hey if the Nazis tried it, it can't be wrong.

Sorry, but they basically did try to engineer a better society by ruling out the breeding of inferiors. I think, people in a way take so called selective breeding into their own hands away. Attractive people(Well, not just them but they are the one who usually succeed) generally go for attractive people and basically the worse you look, and are, the less chance you have to breed.

Edit: I wouldn't support a government enforced breeding programme at all, however simple personal opinion on such matters is fine. If everyone thinks you look ugly then so be it...but having some sort of official label is just rubbing salt in really :P

:O I think like a Nazi?? Didnt they have a decent view on animals rights or something IIRC. :cat:
The Thing said:
They would all die from some crippling genetic disease.
Indeed. One of the flaws of eugenics (despite the horrendous moral objections) is that genes aren't quite as good. This can be seen in pedigree dogs, which are more prone to diseases and other weaknesses than mongrels.
I would like the benefits of doing that, however I still wouldn't want it because of the moral implications.

I would rather just wait for genetic research to get to the point of being able to cure genetic diseases and defects of babies while they are still in the womb. That way you can get (for the most part) the best of both worlds.
This idea was originally proposed by a psychologist named Sir Francis Galton. He wanted to know how heredity influences a person's abilities, character, and behavior. Galton traced the ancestry of various eminent people and found that greatness runs in famailies. He therefore concluded that genius or eminence is a hereditary trait.

Yet, Galton did not consider that the possibility that the tendency of genius to run in distinguished families might be a result of enviromental and socioeconomic advantages that also tend to surrond such families.

I will leave you to make up your own minds.

Ps, I apologize for any grammar mishaps in my above post.
The thing about attractive people being attracted to attractive people ain't something we decide, it's a part of our instincts so we don't need "Selective Breeding", our brain automatically tells us that, a good looking woman/man will produce good looking offspring and thus is the best choice, thus we most often tries to goes for that particular sort of person, I watch alot of sexually educational shows on Discovery(Yes I know I'm naughty :p) and learnt that there.