Selling on HL2, Does anybody know...


Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hi All,

I was just wondering if anybody knew what would happen if I sold on my copy of HL2.

I have played the game and enjoyed it and although I doubt I would sell it on, if I was to would my buyer have any problems with steam as the game I own appears to be registed to me and me alone.

Basically is it possible to register the game twice on differant computers ? If not does it mean that HL2 is unsellable at a future time?

Cheers Baxter
Basically you're right... Steam has registered that copy of Half Life 2 to your Steam account. If you did want to sell HL2 you'd have to sell the Steam accont along with the box, which is apparently against the Steam user Lisence.

Valve has basically killed the re-sale market, which depending on how you look at it is fair enough I guess.
I'm going to elaborate on that because I know people will bitch and moan.

When you bought HL2, what you actually bought was a license for you to play HL2. This is not transferable (By law) Even if you sell your steam account, you still own the license to play, not the person who gave you money. As such you are accountable.

Thems the facts, if you don't like them, tough, unfortunatley.
Seems a bit on the extreme side, but that's life. Guess I will just have to play it again and again.....

Why not try multiplayer? Trust me, once you get into it (Especially once some of the mods come out) you will never look back.
must admit I've always never tried multiplayer. we are only just now getting broadband so I think I'll give it a shot at some stage.

Link said:
Why not try multiplayer? Trust me, once you get into it (Especially once some of the mods come out) you will never look back.

Excellent suggestion - oh dear within 30 secs of starting to play my computer crashes with the sound stuttering.
No problem ill play css instead - oh dear somebody appeared and fired their gun and my computer crashed with the sound stuttering.
No problem ill play the single player game - oh dear my computer crashed as soon as i hit a crate with a couldnt read memory error.

Oh and now I CANT SELL a game which does not work?
Valve has recieved the last money theyll ever get from me along with 15/20 friends whom all have this exact reproducable problem.
Yes i will, if I meet any of you people will you promise to be gentle with me !!

Suddenly getting "the lamb to the slaughter feeling ""
