Sentry range overlay


Jul 2, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Wiktor.
This was a bug on our end. We've found it, and the fix should be out in
the next update.

Thanks for reporting it.

----- Original Message -----
From: Wiktor Deresz <wderesz[at]>
To: Gabe Newell
Sent: Wed Jan 02 13:12:37 2008
Subject: TF2 sentry question

So is any way to turn sentry range overlay without changing details of
models to high?

So who doesn't have 1337-high-end PC should be happy with next update :)
I didn't know there was an overlay for the longest time. When I figured out there was one I just turned my models to high and everything else at the lowest settings. So they fixed this? :)
yeah, i hope they did. I was annoyed that to see the overlay, i'd have to set the settings to high, whiched used up my paged pool memory. I'm glad they're fixing it. :)
I rarely if ever use the overlay anyways. In most scenarios, you just know if the sentries going to work in that location or not. It's cool that Valve is caring enough to make changes like this though. Seems like they put a lot of heart into their games.