Sequence of video releases


May 27, 2003
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Some more speculation on the order of the HL2 media releases...

Going by the order the vids are presented in the E3 demonstration, the tech demo/overview of Source engine capabilities (probably 2 vids) should have come after the G-Man. Instead we got Docks and Kleiner's Lab, the next two after the non-game demonstrations.

Possible conclusions...
1. Tech demos will come at the end
2. They won't release the tech demos
3. Wild mindless speculation: we'll get a playable tech level demo instead of the videos

In any case, next up should be the scene where Gordon get's ambushed and takes on the Combine soldiers. The first of the four real action sequences. It's a biggy, and I can't wait to see what we see. Then Barney street fight, ant lions, dune buggy, and Strider attack.

At the current rate of about one video every two days, we should see the first new stuff in about a week to ten days, depending on what they do with the tech demo vids.
Oops, forgot about the other buzz-saw (Man Hacks?) Hydra sequence that wasn't in the Gamespy video.

And they will probably give us the closing G-Man bit as well, so the math geeks can figure out the formulas and the other weird hints.
It's possible to say the least, although I'm still not convinced that we'll be seeing new media in the future. The only person I've seen saything that there will be new media was a moderator at the forums--and even he's been known to give false info at times. Anyway...anything is possible with the release schedule...:cool:
Gabe or on of the other devs said they'd release new videos (and possibly other content) after they've released the e3 videos.
valve has said no playable demos before release... :(
Yeah, but the new media will be cool enough. And I think they will release an official demo once the game is released.
Originally posted by Falco
Gabe or on of the other devs said they'd release new videos (and possibly other content) after they've released the e3 videos.

You cant name a source, or provide a link. No offense but this is exactly whay the whole media issue got blown so out of proportion.

DO NOT just assume that all the hear-say is true. Everyone keeps playing right into the whole he said, she said cliche'...***mors arise, people beleive them and then people get all angry over misguided information. Often that information is origionally based off speculation anyway. (or sometimes straight out false)
Originally posted by Parasite
You cant name a source, or provide a link. No offense but this is exactly whay the whole media issue got blown so out of proportion.
Actually, Erik J said it. Maybe it will prove to be a hoax, but as it came from the same source that said the media about to be released was a hi-res version of the e3 vids, it seems fairly reliable...
Erik J said it in one of his many IRC chats. Physically read the transcripts. It's not just an idle rumour.
Well, it's not been carved in stone by Moses, or whatever kind of confirmation you want, but it's been annonuced by a Steam forum moderator, and (as mentioned) also confirmed by Erik J on IRC.

Of course I don't really think we'll get a playable demo of the tech level. I was just fantasizing, and trying to imagine why they didn't release those as the second (and third) video.