Serbia's telecomunication agency orders ISPs to make spying possible...

Jan 14, 2008
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Just a few days ago the telecommunication agency of Serbia (RATEL) ordered ISP to make possible for RATEL to spy on emails,messingers,p2p and sites you visit.The people of Serbia are outraged and demand that this order be put out of power.Does this sort of law exist in your countries?

Ако прислушкујете,ево вам га .!.
Jebem ti boze, trebalo mi je 5 minuta da cirilicu procitam. I za nista.
Mogao so malo vise vremena stavit u psujku, nisi vajda u vrticu.

Inace zar nemas internet preko satelita?
Yeah, satellite is usually the best and sometimes only option in less rich countries with a worse infrastructure, I remember a couple friends in Bosnia used it as they had no other option.
Serbia has internet now? Anyway, last I heard, ISDN connections were "in"! :LOL:
One step forward, one step back. Pretty much describes the place. I'm glad I immigrated to a country where this sort of thing can't happened.

Jebem ti boze, trebalo mi je 5 minuta da cirilicu procitam. I za nista.
Mogao so malo vise vremena stavit u psujku, nisi vajda u vrticu.

Inace zar nemas internet preko satelita?

Tell me about it! Guess I'm lucky to remember about three symbols of Cyrillic, so that whenever I see a page of the stuff, I can say "Screw that! I left that crap behind in the 90's and I'm not gonna bother with it again!"
Does having to type in your resident registration number (social security number) or foreigner registration ID to join a website count?

Oh, and there's also the telecommnication order law, the national security law, etc, etc.

Big Brother is watching.
Australia is going to have it's own great firewall soon enough. Protect the children from the kiddie pron. Right.
no,their excuse is that this is to pervent terrorism and crime...people are mainly outraged because they are intercepting mail and p2p
Meh i dunno everyone here is pretty pissy and would strike or something

We'll complain but it will still happen. If the Government uses the terrorism card they will defiantly be able to do it. In fact they are already considering it. ID cards etc all that adds up and eventually this will happen here. Without using the terrorism card there was no chance of ID cards, but now they are milking that card as much as they can.