Serious medical question (please be mature)


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
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please behave like an adult and only post if you intend to help me with this problem

Throughout the last few weeks i've noticed a lump right underneath the nipple and sorrounding area of my breast (im a male) and while the whole area seems lumpy because I am 15 and goin through them final stages of puberty I am kind-of worried the lump seems to have cluttered areas around it (im feeling all around because im paranoid) anyways please dont just flame, Male breast cancer does happen and im worrying my bloody arse off because I have had relatives die of cancer X: anyone had similar experience or anythinG? im scared as a dog. I am not obcese or anything but I do have a tummy so I dont know if it's a fatty tissue buildup (its just in one breast) or what. but under the skin on that one breast it's realyl cluttered i think
edit: oh yeah forgot to say the right one seems a tad bigger as well heh :|
edit2: actually more like mid stages of puberty.. I am a late bloomer
been to get it checked by a doctor? best to get it checked whether you're embarassed about seeing him or not, you need to go. it sounds like it's down to puberty though, but best to be safe.
Dedalus said:
been to get it checked by a doctor? best to get it checked whether you're embarassed about seeing him or not, you need to go. it sounds like it's down to puberty though, but best to be safe.

yeah I guess I really should, I may get a phsyical soon so il ask my mom to make an appnt, thanks dude.

only thing is i dont want some of my mates to know (they are kinda mean sometimes) and it's al just sorta embarassing and wierd but that dosn stop me from being worried so ya il probably see a doc
You have two options...
1. Sit and worry about it.
2. Book an appointment with the doc to get it checked out.

I think the right answer is fairly obvious and I wish you all the best.
there's an interesting tale about someone dying from embarassment...don't make me tell it...

anyway who gives a toss what they think? i can understand how you're feeling, but really, your health is more important than a few 'friends' who are mean.

also you tried checking some medical websites? they might be able to help you better examine it and hopefully put your mind at ease a bit before you see the doctor.
yeah true I should stop sh!ttin around bein embarassed / stressed / scared.. and just see him.. im gonna ask to book an appnt in morn. I guess im just scared of the results ):

checked alot of sites actually, but they didn't ease me as much as increase fear lol.. yeah your right about my mates who really cares (my best ones care for me alot and would neva tease me if it was serious). Thanks fer understandin I asked some dudes already and they say it's proly normal but i wish i knew some more people who had similar problems or whatever. anywways il get that appnt in a week or so and proly feel better, just needed to vent somehow because i get panic attacks and one was starting to happen over it. thanks fer heelping
You have to admit seeing a doctor about something they probably check out a lot is better than dying.
bAbYhEaDcRaB go see the doctor, chances are that it's probably nothing to worry about but we cannot diagnose you.

I however had a similar (I guess) problem when I was your age. It turned out to be nothing serious, just your normal puberty-bodychanging thing.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
bAbYhEaDcRaB go see the doctor, chances are that it's probably nothing to worry about but we cannot diagnose you.

I however had a similar (I guess) problem when I was your age. It turned out to be nothing serious, just your normal puberty-bodychanging thing.

Edit: with me, it was an overactive sebaceous gland around the areola (had to look that up in a dictionary hehe)
My friend got this rock hard lump on his arm pit. It turned out to be Cat Scratch Fever. Yes....there is such a thing. Gives the odd 80's song about it a whole lot of credibility.

But if its something in the breast area, you probably want to get that checked out. It could just be a cyst or something like that. Some weird growing thing that happens to alot of teens. Just go to a doctor, even though I don't think its anything horrible.

(shit....I had a dream about going to the doctors a couple of hours ago. I was waiting in line and it was like a resturant too......I got to have pizza and soda.... woke up before I actually got a check up though :p )
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a cyst. I had one in my calf once. :)
I got a lump in my arm one day, but I went to the docs for something else (flu) but whilst i was there I asked him to check it out and he said it was a cyst. It's still there now, do they ever go away?
No, they don't I had mine for a year. I got it surgically removed. :D If it hurts, I suggest getting it cut out. Mainly, the only purpose they serve is to be a pain in the arse.
It's not very big, nobody notices it till I point it out anyway, think i'll leave it.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
please behave like an adult and only post if you intend to help me with this problem

Throughout the last few weeks i've noticed a lump right underneath the nipple and sorrounding area of my breast (im a male) and while the whole area seems lumpy because I am 15 and goin through them final stages of puberty I am kind-of worried the lump seems to have cluttered areas around it (im feeling all around because im paranoid) anyways please dont just flame, Male breast cancer does happen and im worrying my bloody arse off because I have had relatives die of cancer X: anyone had similar experience or anythinG? im scared as a dog. I am not obcese or anything but I do have a tummy so I dont know if it's a fatty tissue buildup (its just in one breast) or what. but under the skin on that one breast it's realyl cluttered i think
edit: oh yeah forgot to say the right one seems a tad bigger as well heh :|
edit2: actually more like mid stages of puberty.. I am a late bloomer

I haven't read the rest of the posts, but I'd guess that it's fat tissue, or such. I had some in my chest when I was younger. See a doctor, in any case.
go to a doctor asap. It could be anything but better to be on the safe side. The sooner you go the better
why post this on a forum?
just go see a doctor :(
It’s a breast cancer and you going to die. Kill your parents, it’s their fault, after that send all your money to me.

see a doctor
At the age of 15 getting a tumor is extremelly unlikely, its far more likely to be one of everything else people in this thread have suggested. So I really wouldn't worry all that much about it, of course even if its nothing to worry about, seeing a doctor is still the best thing to do as they will verify what it is as well as tell you what your options are.

EDIT: And whatever you do, don't try and use the internet to look it up and do a self diagnosis, that can be one of the most stupid things someone can ever do when it comes to things like this. Posting in places like this is fine since your looking for advice, im talking about going to medical websites and looking at pictures and symptoms so you cn diagnose it yourself.
You are going to die, you have about three weeks left to live. My brother had this same thing and he died.

The above may, or may not be true.
The Mullinator said:
At the age of 15 getting a tumor is extremelly unlikely, its far more likely to be one of everything else people in this thread have suggested. So I really wouldn't worry all that much about it, of course even if its nothing to worry about, seeing a doctor is still the best thing to do as they will verify what it is as well as tell you what your options are.

EDIT: And whatever you do, don't try and use the internet to look it up and do a self diagnosis, that can be one of the most stupid things someone can ever do when it comes to things like this. Posting in places like this is fine since your looking for advice, im talking about going to medical websites and looking at pictures and symptoms so you cn diagnose it yourself.

a friend of mine's son's friend died of cancer at the age of 19 ...he was diagnosed with it a month before he died

edit: not to try to scare the original poster , just see a doctor
I think the best you can do is to go to see a doctor. There is no reason why you should worry about this all your own. And your friends shouldn't mock you from this, if they're your true friends.
ScopeD said:
I think the best you can do is to go to see a doctor. There is no reason why you should worry about this all your own. And your friends shouldn't mock you from this, if they're your true friends.

Of course they will mock you and make fun of you, that’s how most of people are. They will do it, if that thing is not serious or threatening to your life.
I'd be embarassed about a lump in MY NUTS. But a lump near your nipple ain't bad. Get it checked out.

The worst that will come from a checkup is an X-ray and an ultra sound. Both totally painless.
Ye, I can remember talking to a friend about this. All guys get a lump under one nipple at about your age. My friend had one two because I noticed it as well (just like you). Its gone now, but to make sure I would get it checked out. I didn;t get it checked out my self because I was to lazy. But you seem to be describing it kinda different. Get it checked out or do the normal thing and ask your parents :p
Maybe the lumps are pieces of a candy bar that didn't make it down to your stomach. Just kidding, seriously. Definitely see a doctor. If you are worried what you friends would say, don't bother telling them. True friends would understand and be supportive. Just go to a doctor asap so it will relieve your worries.
Question - What do 15 year old kids have to worry about these days? I'm 29 and the only things I worry about is the strang new places I find hair growing.
ray_MAN said:
:| If I had testicular cancer, I would die of shock.

If you had testicles, I'd die of shock.

Sorry, couldn't help but to reply. You left it open.
bAbYhEaDcRaB defentally see a doc about this, not saying that you do, but since you said your family has a history of cancer get it checked

ComradeBadger said:
Testicular cancer is what I'm worried about

I remeber watching a video on that back in high school 6 years ago, nasty stuff :x
thanks for the input guys, I asked my mum this morning to schedule an appointment. I'l post here with the results. I did do a search on gynecomastia btw matt (thx for advice) and that is certainly a possibility.
Ya, I had something similar appear rather suddenly on my chest when I was about 15 or 16 I think. It was a hard bump that stuck up between two ribs. I went to the doctor about it and found out that it was an enlarged gland of some sort and wasn't anything serious. I still have it to this day some six years later.

But definitely go see a doctor about it just to be sure.
just be glad your no a women who has breast cancer, who actually has breast she might lose. thats like loosing a nut to testicular cancer.
When i was about 15 i noticed a couple of lumps to....But it went away within a couple of months.

Losing a breats coulde be worse than one nut...I mean, at least if you lose a nut it just makes the rest look a little bigger. If you lose a breats then you either have a funny shaped chest or a prostesis....Then nowadays they can doa lot with plastic surgery.
[Matt] said:
bAbYhEaDcRaB do a search for gynecomastia.

beat me to it.

my bro had this. he actually went to a plastic surgeon and got them removed. happened to my uncle too. they are hardened lumps that form during puberty. they can be painful. they're harmless. just can be cosmetically unappealing.