Seriously Bad Stomach Pains - Brain Worms?


Dec 8, 2004
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I have a really really really bad stomach pain right... in the middle. It's getting to a stage where it's really not funny at all. It's steadily got worse since about 2 o clock this afternoon as well. I've tried taking a shit, tried eating, tried drinking loads of water, tried throwing up.

And before you suggest not sitting at the computer, I'm not. I'm lying down. The wonders of wireless.

Any ideas or ways of curing it?
The only thing I can think of is the prawn mayonaise sandwich I ate at lunch. But that must have been fine.
Probably food poisoning, eventually you'll start throwing up like crazy, and you'll gag when there is nothing left in your stomach (when I had it, I drank a cold glass of water, and threw it up, it was still cold :x), and you'll shit like crazy (it feels like you'll fart, but you do not fart.).

Or you have an unborn twin inside you.
I had food poisoning sucked REALLY bad. Started throwing up Bile...oh it was disgusing.

Bad business. Hope you get over it man. Try to keep drinking a little water at a time, later try to eat something small. You can't just go without that stuff, even if you throw it up, just makes it worse.
it's not food poisoning (you'd be violently throwing up if it was food poisoning) ..get to a doctor right away could have a number of things, from a bleeding ulcer to a infection ..get to a doctor now
One of the worst possibities is that you have a problem with your appendix, in which case you need to have it removed or you will die. See a doctor ASAP.
I'd leave it over night before going to a doctor. Thats just me though.
TV is great for getting your mind off of your own pain. It's been clinically proven to lessen the experience of physical pain after surgery. I bet it will go away after a few hours
burst appendix doesnt care about tv or sleeping

get to a doctor ..if you're in that much pain there's something definately wrong
What'd you eat?

Probably a grease ball in your stomach. I get those sometimes when I overload on greasy foods during the day, then at night, I have these UNBEARABLE pains. Feels like something is going to rip through my stomach.
shit on the pooper with some laxative for a few hours.........

or just call teh doctor
He says the pain is in the middle. Your appendix is on the lower right (I have the scar to prove it). But do see a doctor.
Its not nesasarily appendicitis, I remember in secondary school after having a mighty dinner then playing a big game of football, I used to get trapped wind and jesus christ, the pain was excruciating, I was glad to be outside in the open air after letting that gas out though *phew*
it's not food poisoning (you'd be violently throwing up if it was food poisoning) ..get to a doctor right away could have a number of things, from a bleeding ulcer to a infection ..get to a doctor now

One of the worst possibities is that you have a problem with your appendix, in which case you need to have it removed or you will die. See a doctor ASAP.

lol, not to scare you or anything... :P

But yeah, go see a doctor man. Hope it all works out ok.

I had food poisoning once and I literally thought I was going to die. I was scrunched into a ball on my bed moaning in pain for like 2 days. It was hell.
Sounds like food poisoning to me from the Prawn sarnie. Expect not to be eating much for the next couple of days.

Don't take anything to stop diahorrea if you get it - just drink lots of water to replace the fluids. You don't necessarily have to vomit when you have food poisoning, at least I didn't when I had it. I did however have a large dose of the squits.

Oh and phone your GP. Its free. Thats what they're there for.

Also give NHS Direct a try. They may be able to diagnose it over the phone.
I'm sorry, but those stomach pains are actually ALIEN CANCER!!!

You know I read this on the main forum listing and I thought it said "Seriously Bad Stomach Penis".
It is also possible that you have a stomach virus, or are beginning to get a more serious illness.
Several times I have had something similar to what you described, and I feel bad for about a day, and then have violent vommiting the next day, and then I am forced to take an injection of anti-vomit medicine. It usually ends up being some kind of odd virus. This has happened three times.

Another time I felt very sick to my stomach but could not vomit or defecate, and it ended up being strep throat, which in its initial stages begins shedding dead cells into the stomach and causing pain.

Also, it could be purely mechanical, ie. you could have an ulcer or hemoraging in your stomach or intestines. If this is the case you need to see a doctor immediatley.
Or you have an unborn twin inside you.

That reminded me of a bad case of a person who had an abnormal growth (living tissue) living inside him/her and it got as far as having legs and arms :| I'd provide a source but it was long ago...
hah you guys are crazy. OMG STOMACH PAIN!!??! GO TO A DOCTOR OR YOU WILL DIE

Ive had all sorts of pains like this, and usually it just goes away the next day or so. Get some sleep, release some farts, wake up refreshed.

If its food poisioning.. nothing much you can do about it now... just bear through it.
If you start bleeding out your anus, that's when you should really be worried. I'd go to a doctor, but at the same time we all have these dodgy stomach aches that pass in a few days.
Right, I slept on it. Mostly because I couldn't see a doctor at whatever time I posted this thread. Woke up in the morning and they were hardly there at all. And nothing anywhere near as bad at all today.
In that I'm not writhing.

If they are still troubling me tomorrow, to the doctors it is. I've had pain like this (today) before, and it's gone away with a night's sleep.
Right, I slept on it. Mostly because I couldn't see a doctor at whatever time I posted this thread. Woke up in the morning and they were hardly there at all. And nothing anywhere near as bad at all today.
In that I'm not writhing.

If they are still troubling me tomorrow, to the doctors it is. I've had pain like this (today) before, and it's gone away with a night's sleep.

more than likely your stomach going, "WTF IS THIS SHIT!! GET IT OUT!! GEETTT ITT OUTTTTTT!!!!AAAHHHH!"