seriously, what's so good about the gravity gun?



when i first poured over reviews, i thought "WOW I will be able to toss bars at people"

SOmetimes it has trouble pulling a barrel from just over the "sensor" distance!

Don't they realise that - if i can pull a barrel from 100 ft away, the same energy configuration should mean i can pick up the chassis (i.e. WITHOUT engine, the heaviest part) of a wrecked car when im stood next to it??

The gravity gun is underpowered IMHO. I would have liked it to "struggle" to pick up the heavier objects, so that, for instance, you could just about levitate a car, only to have to try to throw it on a head crab, and the gravitational field suddenly looses it's weak grip on the car, having it fall on your head and crush you. At least then i could have laughed at my own stupidity rather than cursing at the underpowered performance of something that, should really be able to do more than toss a wardrobe around!

(and come on - why do wardrobes not break when shot with enough energy to knock over an elephant?!)

if u want it 2 be stronger then type physc_(various commands) in the console and change it that way, i did and after that i could pick up cars like they were cans!

its really cool.
thanks - i'm just wondering why the dev's didnt make it something similar to that in the first instance.
If you feel that they did it so badly, then just go and play another game with a gravity gun :thumbs:

p.s. it's a gameplay issue, if they made it overpowered then it would just make the game too easy, and
it would make the blue grav gun at the end less cool.
You can't pull objects from far away because the attraction is weak as you get further away. If you want to pick up cars and throw it at combine, why don't you use the blue grav gun?
I know it wouldnt be as fun - but i'm just saying in terms of gravitational field physics, it doesn't make much sense to me.
seriously, what else can people complain about?
smoke said:
if u want it 2 be stronger then type physc_(various commands) in the console and change it that way, i did and after that i could pick up cars like they were cans!

its really cool.

can you give me an example of a command that would simply increase the power fo the PMPY by 2x?

would be good to use the gravuty gun at 2 or 3 power after I've completed the game of course!
krosfyah said:
I know it wouldnt be as fun - but i'm just saying in terms of gravitational field physics, it doesn't make much sense to me.

There is always a border line or realisism and fun.
Typing "physcannon_" into the consol should allow you to mod the grav gun on the fly. But it can make the game freeze for some reason, especially combined buggys. To many collisions apprently.
hmm let see, it gives you multiple ways to kill enemies (zombie flambay) and is a blast to use.
Do I really have to tell this guy why? If he cannot see it for himself, in this gameplay and technological improvment then well... I don't think I have to say more.
Harryz said:
There is always a border line or realisism and fun.

Real is the most fun.

If the real had no consequences, then it would be the ultimate fun.
Omfg wtf...Everyone is bitching about the game, why don't you go play another game with a grav gun? Seriously if you want to bitch go do it on the halo 2 forum, they will agree with you 100%
ShinRa said:
seriously, what else can people complain about?

I didn't like breens haircut.. Too much off the top and far too much gel... oh and I thought being blinded by scanner flashes was ludicrous and unrealistic - real scanners don't flash... sheesh - everyone knows that..
krosfyah said:
I know it wouldnt be as fun - but i'm just saying in terms of gravitational field physics, it doesn't make much sense to me.

Right, doesn't realistically portray a real-life zero point gun...oh, wait...they don't exist, silly!
Considering that it would be quite impossible for you to lift up a number of objects like that, the gravity gun does not lift cars. :O
You can modify it though of course. :p
Earl Danish said:
I didn't like breens haircut.. Too much off the top and far too much gel... oh and I thought being blinded by scanner flashes was ludicrous and unrealistic - real scanners don't flash... sheesh - everyone knows that..

krosfyah said:
Don't they realise that - if i can pull a barrel
from 100 ft away, the same energy configuration should mean i can pick up the chassis (i.e. WITHOUT engine, the heaviest part) of a wrecked car when im stood next to it??

please explain the physics of this statement too me as I do not understand the subject very well
ShinRa said:
seriously, what else can people complain about?

Yeah, well you know how Alyx wears that brownish reddish shirt? Well I found a pixel on her shirt that didn't quite fit with the rest of the shirt, it was more of a dark brown. I hate Valve because of this, they should go out of business and be taken over by headcrabs. (*Knock on wood*) :O
You know like 3% of the people on this forum agree that half-life 2 isnt the best game in the world, and the rest of them are the ones that constantly complain about how those 3% are idiots. :/
Don't they realise that - if i can pull a barrel from 100 ft away, the same energy configuration should mean i can pick up the chassis (i.e. WITHOUT engine, the heaviest part) of a wrecked car when im stood next to it??

That's true if you take the name "gravity gun" seriously.

But you have to remember that its official name is the "zero point energy field manipulator." It does its work by manipulating the zero point energy field. There is some kind of exotic physics behind how it does that. It is not gravity, so we shouldn't assume that its power changes according to the inverse-square law of gravitational attraction.

You know I'm right because I use big words and link to Wikipedia.
ShinRa said:
seriously, what else can people complain about?

Yeah! The game is too good to be true... :flame:

oh and the Game Protection is sucks :hmph:
I was very disappointed because i didn't want these damn Warezers to play Half-Life 2!! iI thought that the Best game of all times won't get cracked that fast... So far.. It's my only disappointment.

Warez Users/Players... You'er so ****** Cheap!
You've got No Respect to the best game of all times :flame: