servers = new problem?


Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
So i was playing operation clean sweep, and the map just started and i grabbed the chopper with some other dude. We start playing and over time i accumulate a respectable score in the low 40's with no deaths. So i just finished a dog fight with the other chopper and was headed back to base and i got missile lock, turned and hit a tree. So of course i try and apologize and say, "shit, sorry bout that." Then *bleep*, i'm disconnected with a message that says, "You have been kicked for [0] minutes for saying the banned word "shit"."

Seriously? I thought. That can't be right, i haven’t said a word the whole game, except the apology which was in an anger free, indirect context and now I’ve lost my score and I have to reconnect.

This was right after i was banned from another server, where the clan was threatening to kick the person who stole the helicopter from their side. I was kicked after i asked if they had rules about killing clan members that are enemies also.

what is the world coming to, i see this language filter a lot now. Since when did internet games become controled my mother's across america?
That is the kind of shit that pisses me off, admins on their clan servers being total dicks. In my eyes as an admin, that kind of swearing you mentioned is fine, i only warn people if they are actively swearing and insulting another player then they usually stop.

Since when did internet games become controled my mother's across america?

Blame Jack Thompson!