Set Brightness Levels ?



I have recently had to start running CS: Source using the -Directx 8.1 launch option (don't ask!), and ever since, I have to set the brightness level to 1.6 whenever I start the game.

It may be a really stupid question, but is there any way to set the brightness permanently without having to manually adjust it each time ?

I know it sounds like a really trivial thing, but if I could do something that would last, it would make life in CS a little easier, as I play it a lot.

Thanks in advance ;)


try going into your video card settings and changing it also if you have a nvidia card u can make a profile for it
Hi Giant,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I have a GForce 5200 (hence the Directx setting). I did run the game in directx 9 for a long time, but when the latest update came out, my fps was unplayable, so I dropped it to the 8.1 mode.

I have checked out the profile for HL2 as you suggested, but brightness, or gamma are not available options. AA & filtering options are all there though ??

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated !
theres no way u could run it with dx9 well and yes i forgot that u couldnt do gamma and brightness in a profile but u could just change the gamma in the nvidia settings before u enter.

also do u have a really bad monitor where u are required to do that or something?
Thanks again,

No my monitor is Ok - 17" LCD.

Not sure where I "change the gamma in the nvidia settings before u enter" ??? I was hoping that there might be a launch options switch or something ?

Other than that I guess I will just have to do it the old fashioned way each time :angel:

thekingsuk said:
Thanks again,

No my monitor is Ok - 17" LCD.

Not sure where I "change the gamma in the nvidia settings before u enter" ??? I was hoping that there might be a launch options switch or something ?

Other than that I guess I will just have to do it the old fashioned way each time :angel:


i used to have problems with brightness and such.. every program i used it just never seemed to work until someone told me about Powerstrip.

i had no other alternatives so i gave the program a chance and ever since, its done wonders for me.
click here for link

give this program a helped me alot and might help u as well :)
It does this on me, untill i took -dxlevel 81 out of launch options and put mat_dxlevel 81 in my autoexec.cfg. Try it and post back.
I just use this command: "mat_monitorgamma"

I set it to "1.7" - its a bit too bright but you see everything

Im running a CRT screen so it *should* be alot darker. :)
Ok, here is where my noob status on this site begins to come through.

Firstly thanks for all the responses.

I have added the "mat_monitorgamma" command thingy to my launch options (after "-directx 8.1") but that didn't work.

As for the other option, I tried to locate an autoexec,cfg file in the valve folder, but couldn't, so am not sure if you are talking about the XP system file ?

Thanks for bearing with my ignorance.

JKisGOD :cheers:
NO, thekingsuk,you dont add it there, you add it in the config.cfg in \Steam\SteamApps\your@email\counter-strike source\cstrike or if you wanna do the autoexec.cfg you need to make a notepad .txt file and change the filename to autoexec.cfg

or you can set it in the options, but that might not work if you have set the config to read only,but Im starting to see that u probably havent ;o)
yes do what he said ^^^^ basically the autoexc.cfg is like saved console commands