Sewing terrain



I am certain I have the edges of my terrain lined up and I can't seem to be able to sew them. When they're sewn together I assume they become one piece but mine are still seperate. I want to get all of my terrain sewn together and then be able to edit it but it doesn't seem to work. Has anyone else had any trouble with using sew? I've read all the tutorials I can find but I can't see anything I've missed.

sewing doesn't make them all one piece - it just aligns the edges so there's no gaps.
Thanks for the reply. I guess I will have to play around some more to work out how to do what i need.
Sewing is pretty easy. You have to select all the objects that make up the terrain before you go into the Textures tool. After ou have them all selected, go to Texture tool, Displacement and Sew.

If thats what you were doing and it still doesn't work, then I don't know. That's what works for me.
If you want the textures of multiple objects to 'match up', select them all, go to texture and select 'treat as one'. This is assuming they all have the same texture.

After you split things up, you can't make them one piece. You just have to select all the brushes and group them together.
i *think* the the length of the edges you want to sew together needs to be the same, but im not too sure. haven't got around to trying it yet
First of all the edges of the displacment brushes must meet at the same place (that means the SAME length) OR one has to end at the exact midpoint of another (that means one edge has to be exactly half the length of the other edge). So go into the 2D views and make sure the edges line up. If you are still having problems then something still isnt right so just keep playing with it. This is all stated in the hammer documentation btw...
you could try the auto-sew feature. you select both displacement maps, and start painting the edge of one, and they join together.