Sex bomb pffft, it's all about the gay bomb now

This sexbomb/gaybomb stuff is starting to sound like a chapter from an erotic novel.

It seems that the pentagon is finally listening to the hippies, and making love, not war.

Sounds like MDMA to me ;)
the pentagon is going to use it?
Heh, I like the little blurb about the halitosis chemical.

"Yo man, your breath smells like shit."
"HE'S A TERRORIST! Get 'im!"
This was already been posted I think... we are talking about a bomb that turns men gay? Go search for that thread team!
Man attacked by gaybomb : Oh no! Now I like men........ anyhoo back to killing.

I dont see how a "gaybomb" will do anything apart from really piss off people?
Ritz said:
Man attacked by gaybomb : Oh no! Now I like men........ anyhoo back to killing.

I dont see how a "gaybomb" will do anything apart from really piss off people?

That's exactly what it's all about.
Weapons of mass annoyance.

If they're ridiculously pissed off, they won't be able to shoot straight.

Quite funny ideas they have there, wonder why they didn't try to take them further...

On one of the conceptions, this made me laugh:

BBC News said:
However, researchers concluded that the premise for such a device was fatally flawed because "people in many areas of the world do not find faecal odour offensive, since they smell it on a regular basis".
I dont see how a "gaybomb" will do anything apart from really piss off people?
And give people nearly uncontrollable sexual urges, heh. They'll be too busy to put up a good fight.
The US is developing a weapon to turn the worlds population into homosexuals? My day has come.
Now Brad Pitt will be mine.....

I mean uh...I like women, YEAH!!!! I"M A MANLY MAN!!!
Qck...refer to what the couple is doing in my sig. :naughty:
Dalamari said:
Now Brad Pitt will be mine.....

I mean uh...I like women, YEAH!!!! I"M A MANLY MAN!!!

A manly mans man :).
But if all the men that gets gay from the bomb, doesnt that affect the population increase? And if thats happen in a poor country doesnt that help the country then? :P
Dude! I was at work Saturday watching CNN (because I'm alone and as long as nothing blows up, I get paid) and all of a sudden I see the words "Gay Bomb" flash on the screen. I literally tilted my head to the side and said "What the ****!?!"
So this bomb gives people uncontrollable sexual urges... What if it was an army of 1 guy and hundreds of women :naughty: (Not that it would happen)
O...k? So first the Bush administration were all like: "Gay marrige will be prohibited because we belive love should be between a man and a woman." and now they make gay bombs?
Am I the only one who sees irony in that?
What the hell kind of meeting went on to think up THAT?

Bill: "Well Johnson, we've got great new viral technology, nanobots, gene-specific bombs - we can incapacitate an army without killing them. We could remove their urge to kill, we could make them fall in love with the United States so they won't fight us, we could erase their military training from their-"
Johnson: "Wait, you say you can make them fall in love with things?"
Bill: "Well yes... but..."
Johnson: "Wahahahahahahahaha"

Imagine if one of the scientists didn't wash their hands properly after wrk and it spread through the US - irony :)

NB: Listen to Electric six - Gay bar

I think this goes against the geneva convention doesn't it? Because it's a chemical weapon. I especially wouldn't want it used one me :(