Sex drive

Looks very meh. So much of the humor and plot is predictable and contrived. Seems like something 14 year olds will get a huge kick out of.
You can also tell they are really beating this horse. You might as well call this Superbad 2, pretty soon we'll have a buttload of movies with this theme and style.

Hmm, skinny awkward kid, with a chubby awkward friend... both trying to get laid. THIS DOESN'T SEEM FAMILIAR AT ALLL.
Also, great, another movie to overplay a relatively unknown but good song.
And I can smell the likely ending a mile away in this movie.

Sorry Double Post
Hmm, skinny awkward kid, with a chubby awkward friend... both trying to get laid. THIS DOESN'T SEEM FAMILIAR AT ALLL.

Its fun, that is its intent, the movie is not to be taken seriously

And besides would you boycott a Superbad 2

I know, just because a movie isn't supposed to be taken seriously doesn't mean it's going to be funny. And I understand it's intent, to be the exact same movie I've seen a dozen times, this exact type of movie has been going on for nearly a decade since American Pie, with a dozen different titles. Time to get creative with our comedies...

And would I "boycott" a Superbad 2? I don't know about boycott, but I probably wouldn't bother seeing it, because it would be a waste of money and most likely not be good.
I actually think this looks decent. I recognize his friend from from another program, and he's a good actor.
The only remotely funny thing in this movie trailer was the Amish internet part.