Sexual Harassment in XBOX Live

To be fair she sounds like she's enjoying the attention.

Idiot kids though.
Don't worry too much guys, we all know they'll never get laid :thumbs:
She's not a girl if she says those nasty words.
Shut the **** up.

Holy mother of g-

And I thought that blind fold was because you found it sexy!

All this time...

Don't tell me that "House" was actually a truck, damnit!?
i don't see sexual harassment, i see a girl who loves attention
Christ, they really are tards, but she is a bit of an attention whore. Phobe's jealous.

I'm totally jealous. Bitch be stealin' my internets.
I don't. Well, I play it, but I don't have it. WA.
She's one of those teacher types that would get caught with an underage boy.
I'm totally jealous. Bitch be stealin' my internets.

You can have mine. Just reach into my pocket... OH SNAP SH LAWDY LOL! :bounce:

Meh, attention milking bint, and a bunch of lonely/bored guys on a server, woopti-effin-do?.