Shacknews Left 4 Dead Preview


Jul 6, 2003
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Shacknews have the first E3 preview for Left 4 Dead, It seems the infected side is still unplayable so don't expect any Infected gameplay videos.

As we last heard, the game's content is essentially done, with the project now in Valve's rigorous playtesting and tweaking period. Though the playable undead were sadly MIA for this year's E3 showing, I was surprised to see just how much the game had changed in a little over a month since I last got my hands on it.

Faliszek also clarified that, as with previous builds, characters will be assigned to players randomly upon joining a game. And as expected, the two-player split-screen multiplayer mode remains restricted to the Xbox 360 version of Left 4 Dead and will not appear on the PC.

Other changes to this latest build appear to be the usual steps towards a polished presentation come the game's eventual release. One substantial change is the visual effects enacted when "slimed" by the lumbering, bloated Boomer?where previous builds merely employed a semi-transparent texture over the player's field of view, the new visual effects obscure and warp your vision, making it much more difficult to tell the difference between friendlies and the teeming horde.

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I must say that i'm getting gradually more interested in L4D. I think that if i can get some people who arent drooling morons to play it with, it could be quite good.
I'm going to grief everybody.
I'm going to grief everybody.

Steam tracks your activities apparently. I'm not sure what the penalties for persistent PKs are, but they'll probably be a lot less fun that the few moments of shadenfeude you enjoy. :dozey:
Didn't I read somewhere that this game would track your TKs and shit globally, and you can select to join players with certain ratios etc?
Didn't I read somewhere that this game would track your TKs and shit globally, and you can select to join players with certain ratios etc?

That's effectively it. you basically grief yourself into the world of Billy no mates solo play, it's not like it's probably that easy in the first place to tag your team mates, so the stats are going to be a pretty accurate gauge. Hopefully they'll roll out something similar for CS as well.
Didn't I read somewhere that this game would track your TKs and shit globally, and you can select to join players with certain ratios etc?
Yeah, and you can vote ban/kick now and not have to rely upon everybody, including the griefer to vote himself off the server. :p Either that, you might have the admin online but now it's taken care of instead of a server plug-in. The Infected side is the griefer thing anyways.
You could greif by being useless. Actually, I can imagine just running around, punching all the time, and not helping....
Good thing I have a bunch of friends lined up who want to play this with me. I'm actually afraid of joining with randoms online. I mean, I assume this game will require a lot more teamwork then your average CS:S or TF2 match.