shader for greenscreen question


Nov 8, 2004
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Hi fellas,
I'm doing experiment with a greenscreen in game, have created my custom green texture and got it in hammer. However, I have some issues with the green reflecting onto the characters, making it harder to key out.
Does someone know what I enter into the .vmt file to make it so my texture does not reflect onto nearby things? :stare:
Hmm...maybe you should bind a cubemap in a dark room to the green wall, so the reflections aren't of the green, but of the dark room.
Thanks, i'll give that a try. I was just reading about something like that and even though i'm pretty much a newb, I think I can handle that.:thumbs:
Just an update for those interested. It seems the cubemap suggestion above affects what is reflected on IT, but not what IT reflects, if that makes sense. I did find a way though. Entering r_radiosity 0 fixes it, although it may be less then ideal since it affects the whole map. Anyone know how to target the radiosity for just my green screen texture?:frog: