Shadow of teh Cols pixs (56K WAAAAARNING)


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Briiiiiiing it on!






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How PS2 still are being able to perform this kind of graphics is beyond me.
Holy shit, those creature things are ****ing huge!
yeh ps2? lol, they just dont tell you that they've clocked the max fps at 10 :P
yeah, the framerate is supposedly not too great, but i think its a worthy sacrifice.
I'd imagine that with screenshots like that the frame rate would be about 1 every few hours. I mean, you'd have to wait for an artist to alter each frame. That's bound to take a while.
you don`t need 100 fps nor 60 fps for this type of game, in fact they could very well lock it at 20 fps and as long it does not have choppines it will be all good, this game is teh rox0r!
guchi said:
yeah, the framerate is supposedly not too great, but i think its a worthy sacrifice.

The framerate are supposed to be better now than it was at last E3.
KU_ said:
Heh, that's more like it.
Reminds me of Final Fantasy 7. That game sold because its name/commercials. The commercials were a shit load of the FMV's. People would play it and complain. It was funny as hell.
looks nice but either the main character weighs 50 pounds or that horse is crossed with a mastedon's freakin huge
Loke said:
The framerate are supposed to be better now than it was at last E3.

You're right. The videos that have been released thus far have been plagued by bad framerates and choppiness. Sony knows this and the finished game is going to be running at 30fps, which is just dandy for a game like this. I think that is what they are really concentrating on now anyway: fine-tuning and polish. Should be an amazing game.

No real need for the next generation quite yet, but Bill Gates wants to force it because they are still losing money on every xbobx they sell and he wants to get out of this generation quickly without really giving developers time to get everything out of the current consoles. IMO, the best is yet to come from the current gen consoles as we can see with titles like this and God of War, Okami, etc.
CptStern said:
looks nice but either the main character weighs 50 pounds or that horse is crossed with a mastedon's freakin huge
I think is the character cuz looks like a kid
Wow, that game looks REALLY cool, facing huge boss monsters like that would be a whole lot more fun than having to trek about killing minions.