ShadowGrounds to be available on Steam


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Meridian4, The game publishers who brought you "Daemonica" and "Great Journey", are soon to release their latest project - ShadowGrounds - over Steam for a price of $24.95. [br] [br] The game has two dominant features; guns and aliens. According to the game's website, "Shadowgrounds is an epic sci-fi game that blends addictive old school gameplay and modern technology into one big, nasty alien-battling carnage festival". In other words, you run around blasting big alien bugs with even bigger heavy weaponry until your trigger finger falls off, all in a strangely familiar top-down view. [br]

[br]You can expect ShadowGrounds to rip open your guts on the 25th of April. Hey, wait, that’s tomorrow...
hmm... those graphics are really cool, in a strange sort of way...
The Alien Swarm / Shadowgrounds competition has officially begun.
I have been wanting to give some more money to my favorite company and I think this is the right opportunity. I'm obviously going to check out teh demo first, but if it is even remotely amusing I will buy it.

I have been holding a little out on them lately and feel a tad guilty. :eek:

.bog. - certifiable VALVe fanboi

The trailer looks fab! Definately buying this! Looks just like the old shoot-em-ups of teh olden days except cooler. And I loved those games. :)
This review goes bonkers and gives shadowgrounds 96/100! The only "official" review (as per gamerankings and metacritic) gives it a 69, but still says it's fun. There are more reviews to be seen on google.
Just played the demo and had a blast. This game rules! Seriously, don't judge the game just by looking at some screens, this game delivers fast and furious gameplay. Try it!
Maxey said:
Just played the demo and had a blast. This game rules! Seriously, don't judge the game just by looking at some screens, this game delivers fast and furious gameplay. Try it!
Wait I like the screens, does that mean this games sucks?
Grey Fox said:
Wait I like the screens, does that mean this games sucks?
If by sucks, you mean it rules, then yes.

Download the demo, what are you waiting for?
Pesmerga said:
The Alien Swarm / Shadowgrounds competition has officially begun.
At first I thought the screeney's from Alien Swarm had been posted by mistake. The games look very similar. Looks like fun though.

Does this game use Source or is it just being distributed via Steam?
Grey Fox said:
Wait I like the screens, does that mean this games sucks?

What he said was "judge the game by the demo/actual product, not screenies" not "good screenies=bad game, and vice versa".

dogboy73 said:
At first I thought the screeney's from Alien Swarm had been posted by mistake. The games look very similar. Looks like fun though.

Does this game use Source or is it just being distributed via Steam?

It does not use source.

dogboy73 said:
At first I thought the screeney's from Alien Swarm had been posted by mistake. The games look very similar. Looks like fun though.

Does this game use Source or is it just being distributed via Steam?
I can't wait for Alien Swarm too.

Shadowgrounds use its own engine. Source doesn't support dynamic shadows AFAIK.
At first I thought it was based on the source engine - mainly because of this picture. It's not, though.
Coop gameplay :D Awesome :D

Or so I thought, until I saw on the website that coop is seemingly only playable on one computer, with gamepads. Do people actually USE those things anymore?
The game wasn't THAT fun.

But this is coming from someone who has already been spoiled by Alien Swarm.
Suicide42 said:
It seems that ShadowGrounds could be in direct competition to the currently-in-development Alien Swarm: Infestation. Both will be available over Steam, although the latter will be a free Half-Life 2 modification.
Well, there will also be a retail version of Alien Swarm which you will have to pay for.

I think the HL2 mod is a demo, a kind of teaser.
Pesmerga said:
The Alien Swarm / Shadowgrounds competition has officially begun.

Well at least there will be a little bit of variety , when it comes to top down shoot-em-ups well.... sort of.

Insano said:
Well, there will also be a retail version of Alien Swarm which you will have to pay for.

I think the HL2 mod is a demo, a kind of teaser.

yeah thats what I heard.
Looks interesting but not my type of gameplay. Ill check out the demo.
Thanks I'll check this out :D

If this had internet Co-Op that would just be so amazing.
Does it have on-line co-op? Hpw else would it work?!

When does Alien Swarm get released?
It was great fun, and the torch was really fun to mess around with for 5 or 10 minutes. But then again, I couldn't play a whole game consisting of that gameplay. Hence, free Alien Swarm > this game.
PogoP said:
Or so I thought, until I saw on the website that coop is seemingly only playable on one computer, with gamepads. Do people actually USE those things anymore?
SERIOUS! After I get my 24inch mon I was gona get a gamepad to play some games like halo ect from the bed, if this supports that it would be perfecttttttt. ^_^ My friends dont buy many games if any so having multiplayer on a single copy would rule.
Reginald said:
Hence, free Alien Swarm > this game.
Is Alien Swarm going to be a free game/mod? (just so I know - Alien Swarm does use the Source engine doesn't it?).

EDIT: Just read on the Alien Swarm news that it is free. Cool. I'll wait for that then ....... Unless someone can tell me what this game offers that Alien Swarm won't (apart from dynamic shadows).
There will also be a retail version with more goodies though.

Suicide42 said:
It seems that ShadowGrounds could be in direct competition to the currently-in-development Alien Swarm: Infestation. Both will be available over Steam, although the latter will be a free Half-Life 2 modification.
Black Cat have expressed their wish for it to be made clear that this is not strictly true. Alien Swarm will be released both as an HL2 mod and as a standalone (priced) product "featuring extra missions, characters, equipment and more!" Just in case people expect it to be totally free and then complain when they find out it's also being sold for a price.

EDIT: edit your newspost sui!!!11
Suicide42 said:
You can expect ShadowGrounds to rip open your guts on the 25th of April. Hey, wait, that’s tomorrow...

might want to change that since its the 26th, and its not available as of yet

i just looked at the steam store, and its not anywere to be seen
hmm...don't know much about the game but from the screen shots, it reminds me of Natural Selection.
for those who know stuff about this it like the above mentioned Natural Selection mod for Half Life?
Dr. Freeman said:
hmm...don't know much about the game but from the screen shots, it reminds me of Natural Selection.
for those who know stuff about this it like the above mentioned Natural Selection mod for Half Life?

No, afaik it is much more like alien swarm, which is a mod for UT2004 and an upcoming mod (and beefed up retail version) for HL2. Ofcourse, you could always try teh demo and see for yourself. I must admit it has been a while since I last played NS.

boglito said:
No, afaik it is much more like alien swarm, which is a mod for UT2004 and an upcoming mod (and beefed up retail version) for HL2. Ofcourse, you could always try teh demo and see for yourself. I must admit it has been a while since I last played NS.


hmm...thanks for the info on it.
never played Alien Swarm but you could understand why this game reminds me of NS from just the screen shots.