Shaker's going back to uni


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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Berkeley will be offering courses in Starcraft: linkeh.

The class is being given by Alan Feng, who requires students to submit two replays of games they played and are willing to analyze in-depth. ?Students are expected to explain the flow of the game, identify the time of several positive and negative moves, and show an understanding of how to overcome mistakes in these replays,? writes Feng in the course syllabus.

Students are required to have basic familiarity with StarCraft strategy, and to know the game well enough to identify all units. They also need StarCraft and its expansion pack, Brood War, along with ?an open and analytic mind.?

Count me in!
Humanity has reached rock bottom and started digging.
This is a Decal class. At Berkley, this means that students teach them and set up the curriculum. They don't count towards your QPA, and are really just there to fill up elective space.

We have similar classes at Carnegie Mellon called StuCo classes. For instance, we have a course entirely dedicated to DoTa, a class for 3d modeling in games, and I just took a class called "Fun with robots" where we just built robots that did cool things.

EDIT: Oh, and I took a class about The Matrix as compared to Blade Runner