Shakes = ban?


Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
So i was playing CS 1.6, and my score was like 2:6 or something, it wasn't good. But i got both those kills in 1 round, and when i died i saw somebody say, "yea, he's got a good case of the shakes" then someone else say, "yea, he's hacking he's just so retarded he sucks at it" Then i get a message saying i've been kicked and banned. What the hell are the shakes and how to do i get rid of them? I'm feeling angry and confused, and for the record i wasn't hacking, i'm a bit too paranoid to download '1337_cs_h4x.exe' on my machine.
I assume its something i see on my server occassionally which is 'wobble aim' or shakey aim, basically its how anyone watching someone in 1st person can see your aim twitching awkwardly etc. It usually means aimbot, however some people look to have really twitchy hands, or arithitus it seems. The ones with constant headshots are usually cheating, others are just funny to watch.

For me its easy to see because we are just running scoutzknivez and its simple to notice in scope or with a knife (activates speed hack usually, by slashing). So hackers get caught, their keyboard controls reversed then banned :)

In your case, if you really wasn't cheating, the admin's made a bad call, which i find hard to believe, but he could have just been extremely sore.
Hectic Glenn explained it all really. Aimbots in 1.6 are usually assosciated with having a shakey view (supposedly scanning). If you're all adrenalinned up then you could get accused.